7 ways to stay healthy while traveling

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7 ways to

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Mentally & physically ν


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FOR BUSINESS To put your mind at ease, take a moment to think through the Meeting or event. Go through the agenda; is there anything you’ve forgotten? Now is the time to take care of these details. If you’re not the only one from your company making this trip, make sure your staff has all the relevant travel information and is clear on where and when to meet.


Do you have your boarding passes, hotel or airbnb

reservation, and a way to get from the airport to your accommodations?

If you’re relying on your phone to store all of your tickets and info,

make sure you have a charger and/or external battery so your phone

doesn’t die on you. If you’re traveling internationally, it’s probably worth it

to print these items out and make sure a friend and/or family member

has a copy too.

pss - this is worth doing too


YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT (and drink)

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HEALTHY SNACKS Hit up a grocery store as soon as you arrive in a city. Think of it as a cultural exploration and look for something new to try. You might be surprised at the fun new foods or snacks you find. H2O Some of us tend to drink more caffeine when our schedule changes, but if you focus on drinking water (and just consume your normal amount of caffeine), you’ll feel a lot better.


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FOR BUSINESS If you’re stuck in a conference room or hotel all day, just taking a quick walk around outside the hotel or convention center to get some fresh air and enjoy some sunshine.


Plan to do one physical activity per day. Take a walking or biking

tour. Climb the stairs of a building or plan a hike to move while seeing the sites. In Austin you can paddle-board the river through the downtown area

and enjoy a different view. Be creative.

Whether you’re traveling for fun or work, taking some time to stretch and get the blood flowing can make a huge difference. Check out Pinterest or Google for some great hotel-room-friendly stretches and exercises.


LET’S FLY AWAY - www.macroproductions.net -

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WALK Getting up and walking around

(when allowed) during a flight is both physically beneficial and can prevent clots and other nasty things we don’t want our bodies to have to deal with.


You may need to get things done during a flight, but when possible, it’s great to

just relax, watch a movie, get some sleep, or read a book and arrive

refreshed and ready to go.


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PRE TRIP Make sleep before the trip a priority. It can be so hard to do when you’re preparing for a busy time, but it is so worth it. DURING Whether for work or play, travel days tend to be long. Fit a nap in when possible to keep your body charged and ready for whatever comes next. TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF Make a list before you go to bed of what needs to be done the next day to allow your mind to relax.


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SOMETHING UNPLANNED WILL HAPPEN, so take a deep breath and deal with it as the graceful and capable person you are. Don’t forget to communicate with anyone who needs to know about what’s going on or any change of plans.


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YOU MADE IT! You’re trip is over and now it’s time to recover. Make sure to allot some

time to decompress post-travel. I recommend catching up on some much-

needed sleep. Then do whatever helps you relax; watch Netflix, take a walk, or

do some yoga.

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