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A Brief Introduction – The United KingdomArea: 244,820 km2Main Districts: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Population: approximately 61.3 millions (2008) Official Language: EnglishCurrency: Pound sterling (GBP) (£)Capital: London in England

Edinburgh in Scotland Cardiff in Wales Belfast in Northern Ireland

The Largest City: London in EnglandMain Religions: mainly Christianity (71%), Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism

Brief Introduction – Economic Development

GDP in 2008: $2.680 trillion

The leading income: Service sector (73.0%)E.g. Banks and Insurances

Main Production: High-Efficient Agriculture

Basic Economic Support: Fossil Fuels (Coal and Oil)

Bank of Scotland, Glasgow Chief Office Bank of Scotland, Glasgow Chief Office

Map in UK

- Huge damages- Lost the place as a superpower - heavily replied on loans to rebuild

Lead TO ?

Impact of WWII