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Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

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Chapter 2Chapter 2


22Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

What is Biopsychology?What is Biopsychology?

The specialty in psychology that studies the interaction of biology, behavior, and mental processes

33Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

What is neuroscience?What is neuroscience?

Focuses on how the brain produces mental processes and behavior

Interdisciplinary field

• psychologists

• biologists

• computer scientists

• chemists

• neurologists

• linguists

44Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

Evolution has fundamentally shaped psychological

processes because it favors genetic variations that

produce adaptive behavior

How Are Genes and How Are Genes and Behavior Linked?Behavior Linked?

55Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

Darwin and Natural SelectionDarwin and Natural Selection

Darwin – 1831

• 5 years surveying the coastline of South America

• Radical idea about relationship among species

• All creatures, including humans, share a common ancestry

• On the Origin of Species (1859)

Natural selection –Individuals best adapted to the environment are more likely to flourish and reproduce

66Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

How Natural Selection WorksHow Natural Selection Works

Environmental pressureEnvironmental pressure(changes in the environment)(changes in the environment)

CompetitionCompetition(for resources)(for resources)

Selection of fittest phenotypeSelection of fittest phenotype(from among a variety of phenotypes)(from among a variety of phenotypes)

Reproductive successReproductive success(genotype corresponding to fittest (genotype corresponding to fittest

phenotypes passed to next generation)phenotypes passed to next generation)

Frequency of that genotype increasesFrequency of that genotype increases(in next generation)(in next generation)

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Genes and InheritanceGenes and Inheritance

Genotype – An organism’s genetic makeup

Phenotype –An organism’s observable physical characteristics

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Chromosomes, Genes, and DNAChromosomes, Genes, and DNA

DNA – A long, complex molecule that encodes genetic characteristics

Genes –The functional units of a chromosomeComposed of nucleotides

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Sex chromosomes –The X and Y chromosomes that determine our physical sex characteristics

Chromosomes, Genes, and DNAChromosomes, Genes, and DNA

Chromosomes – Tightly coiled threadlike structures along which the genes are organized

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Genetic Explanations for Psychological Genetic Explanations for Psychological ProcessesProcesses

• Human phobias

• Aggression

• Jealousy

• Sexual orientation

• Physical attraction

• Mate selection

• Parenting

• Temperament

• Gender differences

-Never attribute psychological characteristics to genetics alone

1111Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

The brain coordinates the body’s two communication

systems, the nervous system and the endocrine system,

which uses chemical processes to communicate with targets throughout the


How Does the Body How Does the Body Communicate Internally?Communicate Internally?

1212Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

The Body’s Dual Communication SystemThe Body’s Dual Communication System

Neurons (Nerve cells): fundamental unit in the brain

Nervous system: network of neurons that extends all through the body

Endocrine system: a group of glands that operates together and in parallel with the nervous system

1313Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

The NeuronThe Neuron

Types of NeuronsSensory neurons (carry messages from

sense receptors towards the CNS)

Motor neurons (carry messages from CNS toward muscles and glands)

Interneurons (carry messages between nerve cells)

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The Structure of a NeuronThe Structure of a Neuron

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The Neural ImpulseThe Neural Impulse

Resting potential

Action potential


Synaptic transmission

All-or-none principal

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Neurotransmitters –Chemical messengers that relay neural messages across the synapse to the next neuron

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Seven Important NeurotransmittersSeven Important Neurotransmitters








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Normal Function:Normal Function:

Produces sensations of Produces sensations of pleasure and reward; used pleasure and reward; used

by CNS neurons in by CNS neurons in voluntary movementvoluntary movement

Problems with Imbalance:Problems with Imbalance:

Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s diseasedisease

Substances that Affect:Substances that Affect:

Cocaine, amphetamines, Cocaine, amphetamines, Ritalin, alcoholRitalin, alcohol

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Normal Function:Normal Function:

Regulates sleep and Regulates sleep and dreaming, mood, pain, dreaming, mood, pain,

aggression, appetite and aggression, appetite and sexual behaviorsexual behavior

Problems with Imbalance:Problems with Imbalance:

Depression, certain anxiety Depression, certain anxiety disorders, obsessive-disorders, obsessive-compulsive disordercompulsive disorderSubstances that Affect:Substances that Affect:

Prozac, hallucinogenics Prozac, hallucinogenics (e.g. LSD)(e.g. LSD)

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Normal Function:Normal Function:

Controls heart rate, sleep, Controls heart rate, sleep, sexual responsiveness, sexual responsiveness,

stress, vigilance and stress, vigilance and appetiteappetite

Problems with Imbalance:Problems with Imbalance:

High blood pressure, High blood pressure, depressiondepression

Substances that Affect:Substances that Affect:

Tricyclic antidepressants, Tricyclic antidepressants, beta blockersbeta blockers

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Normal Function:Normal Function:

Primary transmitter used by Primary transmitter used by neurons carrying messages neurons carrying messages

from CNS; involved in from CNS; involved in some kinds of learning and some kinds of learning and


Problems with Imbalance:Problems with Imbalance:

Certain muscular disorders, Certain muscular disorders, Alzheimer’s diseaseAlzheimer’s diseaseSubstances that Affect:Substances that Affect:

Nicotine, botulism toxin, Nicotine, botulism toxin, curare, atropinecurare, atropine

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Normal Function:Normal Function:

Most prevalent inhibitory Most prevalent inhibitory neurotransmitter in neurons neurotransmitter in neurons

of CNSof CNS

Problems with Imbalance:Problems with Imbalance:

Anxiety, epilepsyAnxiety, epilepsy

Substances that Affect:Substances that Affect:

Barbiturates, tranquilizers Barbiturates, tranquilizers (e.g. Valium, Librium), (e.g. Valium, Librium),


2323Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009









Normal Function:Normal Function:

Primary excitatory Primary excitatory neurotransmitter in CNS; neurotransmitter in CNS; involved in learning and involved in learning and


Problems with Imbalance:Problems with Imbalance:

Brain damage after strokeBrain damage after stroke

Substances that Affect:Substances that Affect:

PCP (“angel dust”)PCP (“angel dust”)

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Normal Function:Normal Function:

Pleasurable sensations and Pleasurable sensations and control of paincontrol of pain

Problems with Imbalance:Problems with Imbalance:

Lowered levels resulting Lowered levels resulting from opiate addictionfrom opiate addiction

Substances that Affect:Substances that Affect:

Opiates: opium, heroin, Opiates: opium, heroin, morphine, methadonemorphine, methadone

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Plasticity –Ability of the nervous system to adapt or change as the result of experience; sometimes helps the nervous system adapt to physical damage

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Glial CellsGlial Cells

Glial cells• Provide structural support for neurons• Help in forming new synapses• Form myelin sheath

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The Organization of the The Organization of the Nervous SystemNervous System

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The Endocrine SystemThe Endocrine System(the body’s chemical messenger system)

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The Endocrine SystemThe Endocrine System

Pituitary gland –

• master gland that produces hormones influencing the secretions of all other endocrine glands

• produces hormone that influences growth

• attached to hypothalamus

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How Does the Brain How Does the Brain Produce Behavior and Produce Behavior and

Mental Processes?Mental Processes?

The brain is composed of many specialized modules that work together to create

mind and behavior

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Windows on the BrainWindows on the Brain

EEG (electroencephalograph) – Device for recording brain waves, typically by electrodes placed on the scalp

Brain waves –Patterns of electrical activity generated by the brain

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Windows on the BrainWindows on the Brain

Epilepsy –

• Brain disorder that is often marked by seizures and loss of consciousness

• Caused by out-of-control electrical activity in the brain

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Windows on the BrainWindows on the Brain

Brain scans – Recordings of the brain’s electrical or biochemical activity at specific sites• CT scanning (computerized tomography)• PET scanning (positron emission tomography)• MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)• fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)

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Three Layers of the BrainThree Layers of the Brain

Brain stem and cerebellum• Drive vital functions, such as heart rate,

breathing, digestion

Limbic system• Adds emotions, complex motives, increased

memory abilities

Cerebrum• Enables reasoning, planning, creating,

problem solving

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The Brain Stem and CerebellumThe Brain Stem and Cerebellum

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The Limbic SystemThe Limbic System

Hippocampus –Involved in establishing long-term memories

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The Limbic SystemThe Limbic System

Amygdala –Involved in memory and emotion, particularly fear and aggression

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The Limbic SystemThe Limbic System

Hypothalamus –Serves as the brain’s blood-testing laboratory, constantly monitors blood to determine the condition of the body

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The CerebrumThe Cerebrum

Cerebrum –Topmost layer of the brain; the bulbous cap over the limbic system

Cerebral cortex –Thin gray-matter covering of the cerebrum; carries on thinking and perceiving

Cerebral hemispheres –The two walnut shaped halves of the cerebrum, connected by the corpus callosum

Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2009

The Four Lobes of the The Four Lobes of the Cerebral CortexCerebral Cortex


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The Cooperative BrainThe Cooperative Brain

Every mental and behavioral process involves the coordination and cooperation of many brain networks

Association cortex –Cortical regions that combine information from various other parts of the brain

4343Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2009

Cerebral DominanceCerebral Dominance

Cerebral dominance

• Tendency of each brain hemisphere to exert control over different functions


• The loss of speech caused be brain damage

Spatial orientation

• Process of locating one’s body or other objects in space

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Specialization of the Specialization of the Cerebral HemispheresCerebral Hemispheres

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The Split BrainThe Split Brain

Split-brain patients – Individuals who have had the corpus callosum surgically severed

Duality of consciousness – Condition in which a split-brain patient has a separate consciousness in each hemisphere

Figure 2.2Figure 2.2

Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2009