Zend framework



zend framework is the most used/using PHP framework today. - Regards, Prem

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Zend Framework

• A web application framework written in PHP5

• Loosely coupled set of modules that perform variousTasks

‣ Database access (Zend_DB)

‣ Google Data API’s (Zend_Gdata)

• Easy to implement MVC model


• MVC stands for Model-View-Controller‣ Code is divided into three distinct groups

• Model -- Internal representation of data, interface to backend storage (i.e. database), and “business logic”

• View -- Code that represents the application’s UI

• Controller -- Code that generates output to populate the view using the model

What is MVC?

Installing Zend….•Download latest zend frame work

•It contains two folders “bin” and “library". Copy that to wamp/bin/php/=>newfolder say zend_frame.

•Change the include_path for windows in php.ini to wamp/bin/php/zend_frame/library

Now zend is installed…

to check zend is installed or not--------------- Take cmd prompt and-> type zf show version If its displaying the correct version,

Your Zend is functioning

Starting with project….

Take cmd => go to your local host folderhere its wamp/www/

Type=> zf create project Zendy

Your project is created….you can check in the www folder….Also copy the folder zend in the library to this project`s library


‣ <path>/application• Core application code

‣ <path>/library• Auxillary code

‣ <path>/publicCode that is directly accessible to

the web server (index.php)

‣ <path>/tests

• Directory for test code


• application/Bootstrap.php‣ Application bootstrap code

• application/configs‣ Configuration files

• application/controllers‣ Backend controller code

• application/models‣ Code mapping from domain

data to storage data (PHP interface to DB

for example)• application/views/scripts

‣ User interface code• application/configs/application.ini

‣ Main configuration file• application/controllers/

‣ ErrorController.php-> Default controller called when an error occurs

‣ IndexController.php->Default controller when no controller is specified

Working with ProjectYou can go to your project by typing localhost/zendy/public on your browser

Your project frontage will be like this:

front controller pattern

A controller that handles all requests for a Web site.

Zend_Controller_Front implements a Front Controller pattern used in Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications.

Its purpose is to initialize the request environment, route the incoming request, and then dispatch any discovered actions; it aggregates any responses and returns them when the process is complete.

The index.php file is the entry point to our application and is used to create an instance of Zend_Application to initialise our application and then run it. This file also defines two constants:APPLICATION_PATH and APPLICATION_ENV which define the path to the application/ directory and the environment or mode of the application. The default is set to production in index.php, but youshould set it to development in the .htaccess file by adding this line: SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development


Adding a New Action• When forms are submitted, there is some backend code that processes the input‣ We will handle this in a new action within the Indexcontroller‣ We use the ‘zf’ tool to create the relevant code stubs zf create action actionname controllernameEg: zf create action about index

• This creates the function aboutAction() inapplication/controllers/IndexController.php

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action{

public function addAction() { /* Initialize action controller here */ }


Page Controller Action

Home page Index indexAdd new album Index addEdit album Index editDelete album Index delete

And the data fields are id(auto increment) ,artist and album

zf create action add Indexzf create action edit Indexzf create action delete Index


The URLs for each action are:

http://localhost/zf-tutorial/public/ IndexController::indexAction()http://localhost/zf-tutorial/public/index/add IndexController::addAction()http://localhost/zf-tutorial/public/index/edit IndexController::editAction()http://localhost/zf-tutorial/public/index/delete IndexController::deleteAction()

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action{

public function addAction() {

/* Initialize action controller here*/ }

Database configurationOpen application/configs/application.ini and add the following to the end of the[production] section (i.e. above the [staging] section):resources.db.adapter = “PDO_MYSQL”resources.db.params.host = “localhost”resources.db.params.username = “root”resources.db.params.password = “”resources.db.params.dbname = “zend”

Create the database table

CREATE TABLE albums (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,artist varchar(100) NOT NULL,title varchar(100) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));

INSERT INTO albums (artist, title) VALUES ('Paolo Nutine', 'Sunny Side Up‘),('Florence + The Machine', 'Lungs'),('Massive Attack', 'Heligoland'),('Andre Rieu', 'Forever Vienna'),('Sade', 'Soldier of Love');

Inserting test data


Zend Framework provides Zend_Db_Table which implements the Table DataGateway design pattern to allow for interfacing with data in a database table.

For this tutorial, we are going to create a model that extends Zend_Db_Table and uses Zend_Db_Table_Row.

zf create db-table Albums albums

<?phpclass Application_Model_DbTable_Albums extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{

protected $_name = 'albums';}?>

Zend_Layout allows us to move all the common header, footer and other code to a layout view script which then includes the specific view code for the action being executed.

Zf enable layout


To get the view script for the current action to display, we echo out the content placeholder using the layout() view helper: echo$this->layout()->content; which does the work for us.

Layouts and views

We need to set the doctype for the webpage before we render any view scripts. As the action view scripts are rendered earlier and may need to know which doctype is in force. This is especially true for Zend_Form.

To set the doctype we add another line to our application.ini, in the [production] section:

resources.view.doctype = "XHTML1_STRICT“resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH "/layouts/scripts/"

The doctype() view helper will now output the correct doctype and components like Zend_Form willgenerate compatible HTML.


Styling is done by making css file in ZENDY/public/css/site.css

And then include that file inside the layout

<?php echo $this->headLink()->prependStylesheet($this->baseUrl().'/css/site.css'); ?>

By using headLink()’s prependStylesheet() method, we allow for additional, more specific, CSS files to be added within the controller view scripts which will be rendered within the <head> section after site.css

zf-tutorial/application/controllers/IndexController.php...function indexAction(){$albums = new Application_Model_DbTable_Albums();$this->view->albums = $albums->fetchAll();}…

To display all the dats in the index page…..

<?php foreach($this->albums as $album) : ?>

<td><?php echo $this->escape($album->title);?></td><td><?php echo $this->escape($album->artist);?></td><a href="<?php echo $this->url(array('controller'=>'index',

'action'=>'edit', 'id'=>$album->id));?>">Edit</a><a href="<?php echo $this->url(array('controller'=>'index',

'action'=>'delete', 'id'=>$album->id));?>">Delete</a>

<?php endforeach; ?>


Adding new albums

There are two bits to this part:• Display a form for user to provide details• Process the form submission and store to database

zf create form AlbumThis creates the file Album.php in application/forms

Zend Form

ADD action

<?php$this->title = "Add new album";$this->headTitle($this->title);echo $this->form ;?>



<?php$this->title = "Edit album";$this->headTitle($this->title);echo $this->form ;?>


That’s all………….


This concludes our brief look at building a simple, but fully functional, MVC application using Zend Framework.

•Zend framework is loosely packed ,but more secure
