WSIS Project Prizes 2013 – C8. En mi idioma ("In my language") (Ministry of Information...



Presentation given by Santiago Amador, manager of Communication Technologies Adoption Department, Ministry of ICT at the WSIS Forum 2013 on the winning project of WSIS Project Prizes 2013 in the category C8 Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content: En mi idioma ("In my language") (Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies, Republic of Colombia)

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Foster the access of ICT’s on Indigenous communities to promote and recover native languages.

Promote free flow of ideas to foster the plurality and diverse cultural expressions of the Indigenous Communities..

Promote through ICT’s Empowerment and participation of Indigenous Communities in the information society.

1. From en Tu idioma to En Mi Idioma2012: CommunicationForums, and capacity building2013-2014: Digital Content Production centers- ViveLabs Origen

ICT for culture preservation of ethnical communities



CONTEXTUNESCO willing to preserve the language and to promote the cultural preservation on Indigenous Communities.

- Colombia – Guatemala – Mexico – Peru-Pilot scheme with NasaYuwe in Cauca Colombia.-2008-2011: We focus onthe production of digital contents and expand it to other comunities.

- 10 Indigenous communities benefited by the formation processes.

- 4 Afro Colombian communities benefited by the formation processes.

Public forums to build a specific communication public policy for Indigenous and Afro Colombian communities.

Promote the creation of autonomous digital contents through ICT’s.

Work together to Build capacities

Communal spaces for the creation of digital contents to preserve the cultural expressions of ethnical communities.

Create Prosumers in order to preserve their language through the production of their own content by adopting the ICT’s and using them on their lives.

We are convinced that through technology adoption we will preserve the cultural costumes of Indigenous and Afro Colombian communities.
