Working wikily in networks



Presentation about the changes in networks as a result of a changing communication landscape

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Working wikily: changing practices for networks and partnerships

Networks and partnerships


Networks are nothing


Networks are socialThe basis of all networks

is a social network. A social network is a structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, kinship, dislike, conflict or trade. Source:

Photo of UK flickr meet up

Professional networksA professional

network is a social network that focuses on professional interactions

(photo by Jay Cross)

Alliances, partnerships or networks?

Types of collaboration(bron Fowler: striking a balance)


Social media have expanded the scope

and nature of networks and partnerships

“Merging knowledge about networking and collaboration with social media will allow us to do old things in new ways..”

Networking on a wider scale

Open = easy boundary crossing between networks

New entry points for new members

Expertise leadership- sharing

Self-organising, new leadership models

“Working Wikily” (coined by the Monitor Institute)

Refers to the new ways that people are applying network theory and networked technology to do the work they’ve always done in a more collaborative form and also to begin working in new ways altogether.

Stay grounded

New possibilities, New practices- New questions

• What is the quality of crowdsourced solutions?

• How to deal with low bandwidth situations?

• How to deal Information overload?

• How to safeguard need for privacy/intimacy versus transparency?

• How to lead?
