WordPress Security Best Practices 2015 Update


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WordPress SecurityBest Practices

Wil Brown@LimeCanvas

Security is serious…

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

There is always a current threatThe worst type of threats are those you don’t know about

So be prepared!

You need to understand your weaknessesYou need to build a solid defenceYou need to have a plan of attack

The Art of War -  Sun Tzu ~512BC

Been there…Got the T-Shirt

Ultimate Secure Site

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Locked away in a deep dark basementNo internet connectionNo user interaction

= Pretty useless website= There is a balance to be had

Before we start…

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Everything is HackableBest we can do is make our site less attractive than others to hack into.Would you attempt to break into this car?

Before we start…

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

The most vulnerable part of your website is…

YOURead this book!

Usernames & Passwords

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Not just WordPresscPanel, email, FTP, SSH, MySQL, WordPress

Avoid typical “Administrator” usernamesadmin, administrator, root, manager, debug, user, system, default, netman, superuser, guest, backup, sys, sysadmin, siteadmin, test, …


Usernames & Passwords

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

No personal information such as DoBe.g. bob1976

No footie clubs, car regos, pet or family names

Use a random 16 (at least) character passwordUPPER, lower, digits, punctuation

e.g. b9G#Z4YVemTN^X6S


Usernames & Passwords

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Random character passwords= difficult for you to remember = difficult for hackers to guess

Use a password service such as LastPassLocal 256-bit encryption, SSL data transfer, 2-factor authentication



Usernames & Passwords

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Consider forcing users to have a strong password

Force Strong Passwords plugin.http://wordpress.org/plugins/force-strong-passwords/

Better passwords coming soon to WordPress 4.3


Usernames & Passwords

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Only allow one login per device.

Restrict logins under same username on multiple devices (i.e. username/pass sharing)

WordPress Bouncer pluginhttp://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-bouncer/


Admin User Roles

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Restrict the number of users with the Administrator role.

You do need at lease 1 Admin user – do you need any more than that?

Editor role is sufficient for somebody to manage 90% of all the site’s day-to-day content.


Linux Permissions

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Understanding Linux file permissions is key

Files & Perms

Files, Folders & Permissions

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

In general…WordPress folders/directories = 755WordPress files = 644

Some hosting companies may recommend you set /wp-content/uploads to 777

Move to another hosting company!

Files & Perms

Config Files & Permissions

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Probably your three most important sys files are:.htaccess (Apache) or nginx.conf (nginx)

= permalinks, redirects, etcphp.ini

= PHP settingswp-config.php

= WordPress DB username & pass

These should be locked down to CHMOD 444

Files & Perms

Malware Clean Server

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Malware can be hidden in Themes, Plugins & other server scriptsSucuri detects and cleans malware on servers

De-blacklists your server/siteNotify by SMS, Email, Private Twitter etc

http://sucuri.net/ USD $89.99 /site /year

Happy Servers

Update Regularly

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Update WordPress Core, Themes and Plugins regularly = at least weeklyManageWP service good for multiple siteshttps://managewp.com


Update Regularly

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Automatic Updates are in WordPress core for point releases only by default

More control = “Automatic Updater” pluginhttp://wordpress.org/plugins/automatic-updater/

Choose to update Core, Themes and/or Plugins


Check Free Downloads

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Especially “free” themes and torrents– Very common to “insert” links into footer areas– Code can read your wp-config.php file and

email/send it elsewhere = you’re screwed– Don’t use themes or plugins from Torrent sites!– Always try to download from original source

Read: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/free-wordpress-themes-ultimate-guide/

Free or Dodgy?

Check Free Downloads

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Search through files for:Base64_decode edoced_46esaB and eval

Decode at: http://www.base64decode.org/

Use Theme Authenticity Checkerhttp://wordpress.org/plugins/tac/

Exploit Scannerhttp://wordpress.org/plugins/exploit-scanner/

Free or Dodgy?


@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Not all Base64_decode function calls are evil

WordPress uses the function extensively throughout the core.

Should be easy to decode and work out if good or bad in plugins or themes.

Free or Dodgy?

Beware of TimThumb

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Popular image/thumbnail resizing scriptBundled in many themes and pluginsResponsible for many WordPress security breaches“The ability for a site visitor to load content from a remote website and to make the web server write that remote content to a web accessible directory is the cause of the vulnerability in timthumb.php.”

Ref: http://markmaunder.com/2011/08/02/technical-details-and-scripts-of-the-wordpress-timthumb-php-hack/

Evil TimThumb

Beware of TimThumb

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Script was “fixed” of exploits however old versions still lurk out there.

Search for TimThumb and check you are using the “fixed” version 2.8.14https://code.google.com/p/timthumb/

Evil TimThumb

Beware of TimThumb

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

The nature of TimThumb still makes it potentially very dangerous to have on your site.

TimThumb is no longer supported or maintained as of Sept 2014http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/2014/09/timthumb-end-life/

Read this: http://www.limecanvas.com/timthumb-is-evil/

Evil TimThumb

SSL Certificates

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Won’t make your site “secure” from hacks

Will encrypt the data transmitted between computer and server

More on SSL certificates athttp://www.symantec.com/en/au/ssl-certificates

SSL Certs

HTTPS on Dashboard

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

If you have an SSL certificate..

Force all Dashboard and Logins to use HTTPS

In wp-config.phpdefine('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true);

Secure Logins

Software Firewalls

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Gives additional level of security.WordFence plugin is recommended:http://www.wordfence.com/

Scans for…malware, TimThumb, differences in core/plugin/theme files from repository, new available updates, login limiter, force strong passwords, trojans, SQL injection, DNS changes, files outside WordPress folder, hide login errors, prevent creating ‘admin’ user, country blocking*, cell phone sign-in*, advanced scheduled scans*

*premium functions


Prevent Login Attempts

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Brute force attacks try to repeatedly guess username & password.

Block IP address after X number of login attempts within a period.

Limit Login Attempts pluginhttp://wordpress.org/plugins/limit-login-attempts/

Login Limits

Don’t Show Login Errors

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Don’t give the hackers a helping hand

Remove that info!

Add this to functions.phpadd_filter(‘login_errors', '__return_null');

No Freebies

Back Your Site Up

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

There is NO EXCUSE not to back up your entire site frequently (real-time, hourly, daily, weekly).Back up to email http://wordpress.org/plugins/wponlinebackup/

Back up to Dropbox http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-backup-to-dropbox/

Back up to Amazon S3 http://wordpress.org/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/

Backup Buddy http://ithemes.com/purchase/backupbuddy/

VaultPress http://vaultpress.com/

Set your retention frequency.Can you restore from an issue that’s been happening for 2 months?

Check your backup files – do a test restore!

Back Up

Security For the Paranoid

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Pimp My Security

Two Factor Authentication

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Using another device to generate an authentication code e.g. Mobile phone app

Verification code + login = 2 factor authGoogle Authenticatorhttp://wordpress.org/plugins/google-authenticator/

Pimp My Security

Biometric Authentication

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Is two factor authenticationnot enough for you?

Biometric authentication uses part of our own body as the second verification part.

This is going to be the normal way of authenticating with systems in the not so distant future.

Pimp My Security

Biometric Authentication

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

VoxedIn is a Smartphone app that lets you log in to your WordPress site using voice biometrics.http://wordpress.org/plugins/voxedin/

Pimp My Security

Move wp-content Folder

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Move the wp-content folder to a new location.

Add the following into wp-config.php before the line: /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

define ('WP_CONTENT_DIR','/full/path/to/your/content/dir');define ('WP_CONTENT_URL','http://example.com/full/path/to/your/content/dirs/url');

Warning: badly developed plugins & themes may have hard-coded wp-content location.

Pimp My Security

Protect wp-config.php

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Use .htaccess to protect your wp-config.php file<files wp-config.php>order allow,denydeny from all</files>

Nobody can access the wp-config.php file now except for the web server owner.

Pimp My Security

SQL Injection Protection

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Use .htaccess to stop SQL Injection attacksOptions +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\<|%3C).*script.*(\>|%3E) [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]

Any requests or changes to global variables containing <script> gets blocked.

Pimp My Security

Prevent Directory Browsing

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Many hosts allow directories to be browsed.

Use .htaccess to stop directory browsingOptions –Indexes

Pimp My Security

Secure wp-admin Folder

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Password protect wp-admin folder using cPanel and .htaccess + .htpasswd


Pimp My Security

Disable User File Editor

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Remove the WordPress dashboard Editor for themes and plugins

Add to wp-config.phpdefine('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

Pimp My Security

Change Default Table Prefix

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Default MySQL DB table prefix is wp_ Change before installing new WordPress sites.

Add to wp-config.php$table_prefix = ‘mynewprefix_';

Existing websites – use WP Security Scanhttp://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-security-scan/

Pimp My Security

Be “Big Brother”

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Monitor who does what on your WordPress site.

WP Security Audit Loghttp://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-security-audit-log/

Pimp My Security

Change wp-login.php

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Using .htaccessRewriteRule ^login$ http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-login.php [NC,L]

Now login to your site using:http://www.mywebsite.com/login

Pimp My Security

Change /wp-admin/ - Step 1

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Add to wp-config.php:define('WP_ADMIN_DIR', 'secret-folder');define( 'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', SITECOOKIEPATH . WP_ADMIN_DIR);

Add to functions.php:add_filter(‘site_url', ‘lc_wpadmin_filter', 10, 3);function lc_wpadmin_filter( $url, $path, $orig_scheme ) { $old = array( "/(wp-admin)/"); $admin_dir = WP_ADMIN_DIR; $new = array($admin_dir); return preg_replace( $old, $new, $url, 1); }

Pimp My Security

Change /wp-admin/ - Step 2

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Add to .htaccess:RewriteRule ^secret-folder/(.*) wp-admin/$1?%{QUERY_STRING} [L]

Now login to your site using:http://www.mysite.com/secret-folder/

Pimp My Security

Denial of Service Attacks

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

Known as DoS or DDoS (distributed)

There is nothing YOU* cando to pre-emptively stopDoS attacks.

Contact your host company

Pimp My Security

*Unless you own your own data centre

Image Credits

@LimeCanvas #wpsyd

• [4] activerain.com • [5] mybroadband.co.za• [6] wired.com• [12] www.zzee.com• [12] acm.uiuc.edu • [12] danielmiessler.com• [19] wordpress.org/plugins/tac/• [21] www.promptwebhosting.com.au• [29] www.bestwpthemez.com• [31] blog.eternalvigilance.me• [32] www.mobyware.ru • [33] www.ibmsystemsmag.com• [34] disruptive.io• [38] www.gobalakrishnan.com

• [39] www.trickytechs.com• [39] www.wpbeginner.com • [40] www.limecanvas.com• [46] www.computerworld.com

Questions Anyone?


@LimeCanvas #wpsyd
