Woody crops progam update




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CRC for Future Farm Industries…New woody crops


Woody Crop Research

Paul TurnbullWoody Crops Program Leader

The Future Farm Industries CRCPaul.Turnbull@dpi.vic.gov.au

Ph 0409 402 179

Presented atSA Symposia Bridging Productivity and SustainabilitySA Symposia Bridging Productivity and Sustainability

22 June 2010


Woody Crop Research – part of a network seeking a future mallee biomass industry


CRC’s Woody Crop Program

Breeding – Richard Mazanec

Water and Nutrient Sustainability Gen 2 –D i l M dhDaniel Mendham

Harvesting Systems – Peter Zurzolo

Biomass Sustainability Studies – Amir Abadi


Breeding Trial Site

Breeding Short Cycle Woody CropsBreeding Short Cycle Woody Crops – Richard Mazanec

Seed orchard in flower

5Glass house cuttingsDrummartin Trial Oct 2009

2009 Planting Season

18 864 trees planted + bufferstotal > 12 haEstimated 25-30% gain in leaf cineole gconcentration (against trial average)3-8% gain in Biomass3 8% gain in Biomass


E. polybractea coppice


Cuttings in mist house


E. Polybractea cutting age 6 weeks


Root development at 6 weeks


2010 Cuttings Program

18/20 new clones captured in 2009/10 thus far.Overall 23% strike rate to dateU f 6% i 2009


Up from 6% in 2009

1 yr Old Clones


2009/2010 program

More E. polybractea clones to be t dcaptured

E. loxophleba lissophloia 3 trials - 125 familiesE. loxophleba gratiae 3 trials – 90 familiesp gMallee species trials Victoria (advisory role)role)A. saligna coppicing trialAt i l

13Atriplex papers

Future emphasis

Eucalyptus polybracteaAcacia salignaAcacia salignaEucalyptus loxophleba ssp lissophloia Eucalyptus loxophleba ssp gratiaeEucalyptus loxophleba ssp gratiaeE. viridis (green mallee)E. porosa (mallee box)E. porosa (mallee box)E. cneorifolia (Kangaroo Island narrow-leaved mallee)E. bakeri (Bakers mallee northern Nsw -southern Qld)


FP18/Gen2 project: Daniel MendhamManagement of nutrients and waterManagement of nutrients and water for high mallee biomass supply


Nutrients and water for mallee biomass supply

Support from 2nd Generation Biofuels fund – part of DRETSupport from 2 Generation Biofuels fund part of DRETOur project is Task 1 of a larger 6-task project being led by Curtin UniversityProject teamProject team

CSIRODaniel Mendham, Rick Bennett, Gary Ogden, Georg Wiehl

DECJohn Bartle, Adam Peck, Wally Edgecombe, Matt Forbes, , y g ,

UWAMark Tibbett, Alana Shedley, Keith Smettem

DAFWADAFWAKim Brooksbank, Rob Sudmeyer

Time frame

16Project started in 2009, ends in June 2012

Nutrients and water for mallee biomass supply

Project structure• Nutrient sustainability

• Changes in nutrient pools• Changes in nutrient dynamics

• Physiological sustainability• Coppicing frequency g y

• Responses to nutrients• Harvest season

• Water sustainability• Soil water depletion• Water harvesting

• Competitive sustainability• Water harvesting

• Integration and modelling

• Interactions with ag.

Knowledge and tools

g g


Knowledge and toolsto support sustainable

mallee production

Harvesting – supply chain to processing P t Z l

Woody crop production Harvest

– Peter ZurzoloWoody crop production Harvest





Products:1. Biofuel or Bioenergy2. Biochar3. Cineole

184. Co-products and biomaterials5. Sequestered carbon

Biomass Feasibility StudiesAmir AbadiAmir Abadi


Woody Crops Farming System

