What will be the future of computers



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What Will Be the Future of


The Future of Computers: No More Moving Parts and Faster than Ever?

The time when our laptops and desktops will no longer have

inadequate moving parts is soon upon us.

No longer will we be hassled by bottlenecked systems because of slow hard drives, and no longer will we have

to hear fans kick on and off when systems become a bit too warm, just to

name a few.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, this time may only be a few years away, with some of these parts already in the

making for wide distribution.

Here is what you can expect will be the future of computers in just a few

years time:

What is a solid state drive? It’s basically a USB flash drive, only it can store much

more data and has faster read and write speeds.

Future of Computers | Solid State Drives will be the Standard

It simpler terms, rather than a conventional hard drive that use a

spinning disk to read data that takes a very long time to read and write, a solid

state drive can do these tasks almost instantaneously.

Currently, solid state drives are much more expensive when compared to

hard drives, but as technology improves, we should see the price even

out a bit. The only reason why SSDs haven’t taken off is because of the


We’ve already seen this technology used in Dyson fans, where air is drawn

in and accelerated using extremely efficient means, so it’s safe to assume

that this will eventually be seen in devices that need efficient and effective

cooling methods.

Future of Computers | Internal Fans will be Replaced by Silent and More Effective Airflow Devices

Rather than clunky fans that kick off and on constantly, as well as create

unsettling noise and use up a bit too much power for their task, we’ll just see circular openings where fans once were

with air acceleration technology, just without spinning blades.

We’ve seen amazing increases in both performance and reliability in

computers, so it really is quite obvious to assume that we’ll see computers that really push the boundaries of

technology in a few years.

Future of Computers | More Power!

While computers already do this today, we’ll see an even greater push. For

instance, we’ll see six-core processors take over four-core processors; we’ll

see at least 8GB of DDR3 RAM becoming the standard; and we’ll see

graphics cards with substantially higher clock speeds and video RAM totals.

By dual-purpose, I mean Windows and Mac OS X will be interchangeable

between laptops, desktops, tablets and smartphones.

Future of Computers | Dual-Purpose Operating Systems will Become Standard

We’re already seeing this with Windows 8 in the making, as it will be able to

function flawlessly on tablets and PCs alike, but we’ll see a much better grasp

of this concept.

This also means that we’ll finally see tablets that can compete with

computers in terms of power and functionality, with computers going

above-and-beyond tablets.

With technology ever changing, it’ll be fun to see what we get

