Websites for Nonprofits



Overview of websites for nonprofits including how websites work, content management systems, Wordpress, Google Sites, and best practices for any nonprofit website.

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Websites for Nonprofits


Elissa Thomas, Stephen Eggers, Abby NafzigerHandsOn Tech AmeriCorp VISTAServing at NPower


NameOrganizationMy biggest challenge for my nonprofit's website is ________________________My biggest success for my nonprofit's website is ________________________

How websites work

1. Web pages are stored on a web server (think of a computer or server) far, far away

2. A web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) asks for a web page

3. The web server gives a web page back

graphic from

Vocab (for your records)

Web site: a collection of web pages, documents and multi-media files that are stored on a server on the Internet called a host server.

Web page: a simple text file that contains text and HTML tags that describe how the text and images are formatted on your screen.

HTML: a set of HTML tags are simple instructions that tell a web browser how a web page should look. The tags tell the browser to do things like change the font size or color, or arrange things in columns.

Web browser: (like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) interprets HTML tags and decides how to format the text and images.

Web server: delivers web pages to web browsers over the Internet when called on.

Domain name: the location of a website and its files on the Internet.

File transfer protocol (FTP): used to transfer files over the Internet.

Web Content Management System (CMS): software or tool that allows a user to publish content online, usually with an intuitive interface, often using a web browser.

Under the hood - HTML

Under the hood - FTP

Content Management Systems

Web CMS: Software installed on a web server that is designed to integrate features like blogs, forums, and wikis into a seamless user experience. Most content management systems have user-friendly interfaces accessible from any web browser and a WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor.

CMS's we won't cover today

These frameworks generally require a consultant to configure

CMS's we will cover

These frameworks have a gentle learning curve. Easy to use, but also powerful

WordPress -- a much easier CMS

● For adding timely content regularly.

● Easy interface.● Large directory of

"plugins" available.● Volunteers can

customize if needed.● Allows for multiple

user accounts with different permissions.

● No need for FTP.

An example of a WordPress site

WordPress - the Dashboard

All your functions are on the left-hand sidebar

Hands-on with WordPress

1. Go to the link in your email account -- for example:

2. Log in using the username and password in your email account (contributor1, contributor2, contributor3, or editor1)

● Contributors! Create 2 posts to add content to the site and submit for review.

● Editors! Review the posts and approve them if you want. If you have time, feel free to create your own post(s)!

Activity #1:

More hands-on with WordPress

Log out, then log back in using your new username (admin2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) and password

● Admin2: Select a new theme (Appearance -> Themes)● Admin3: Add a new page -- not post● Admin4: Create new user accounts (Users -> Add New)● Admin5: Delete the "Recent Comments" sidebar section

(Appearance -> Widgets)● Admin6: Rename the website and tagline (Settings ->


Activity #2:

10 minute break

Meet back at 11:00image by roboppy (flickr)

Best Practices

1. Simple, accessible design with easy page navigation2. Nonprofit mission is readily apparent to website

visitors example

3. Action links are prominently displayed on your home page (Subscribe to Newsletter, Volunteer, Donate) example

4. Contact page, preferably with staff pictures example

5. Visitor tracking in place to collect metrics

Our next Google Analytics class is 7/11/2012

Depending on goals, some extras ...

1. Improve your site's search engine optimization (class: 7/18)2. Social media icons are on home page3. A news section or blog provides updates example

4. Consistent branding of logos, color schemes, etc example

Bonus points for amazing graphics and multimedia content: videos, interactive maps, graphs, third-party widgets

Google Sites

● Easy to update

● Static pages● Free for

anyone with a Google account

● Can embed multimedia, blogs, maps, calendars, documents, etc.

Hands-on with Google Sites

1. Log into your Google account.

2. Choose "Sites" from the menu at the top or go directly to:

● Click "create" and select a design template.● Add 2 new pages, titled whatever you want.● Insert 1 image and 1 link. Insert more items if you like! ● Share the URL with the person next to you via email.



● section on web building● NTEN's websites section● Idealware websites section● NPower Northwest's Knowledge Center● and● Google Sites tutorial (and another)● 11 website design best practices for nonprofits● How to create web content that works● Principles for an effective nonprofit website● DreamHost -- free web hosting for nonprofits

Any questions?

Is that it?!

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