Weaving a personal web (mcelvaney and berge)


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Weaving a Personal Web: Using online technologies to create customized, connected, and dynamic learning environments

Written by Jessica McElvaney and Zane Berge (2009)Presented by Sukma Putra (2102493)

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This presentation will describe how personal web technologies (PWTs) can be used by learners and the relationship between PWTs and connectivist learning principles. Several technologies including social bookmarking tools, personal publishing platforms, metagators and aggregators are also included in this presentation.

With these tools, individual can create and manage personal learning environments (PLEs) and personal learning networks (PLNs), which have the potential to become powerful resources for academic, professional, and personal development.

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Presentation outline :

1. Brief introduction about personal web technologies (PWTs), how to maximise PWTs

2. The type of PWTs3. Learning application of PWTs4. Challenges using PWTs5. Discussion6. Conclusion

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What is PWTs :

PWT is “customized, personal web-based environments .... that explicitly supports one’s social, professional, learning and other activities via highly personalized windows to the networked world”

(The 2009 Horizon Report)

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Maximise PWTs for connectivism & continuous learning :

“If individuals can sufficiently develop their ability to find, organize, and manage these connections, their available knowledge does not have to be limited by the confines of their own skulls.” (McElvaney & Berg, 2009)

Visualization of a web-based PLE

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4. Metagators

Type of PWTs (cont.) :

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Learning application of PWTs :

Linear Learning, a Teacher selects and presents the content to the students. Barriers? Filter the content to avoid misleading information

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Non-linear learning; Students receives info from many sources, they should filter, critique and manage external info

Learning application of PWTs (cont.) :

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Five potential disadvantages of using PWTs for Learning

1. Connection addiction2. Work interrupted3. Popularity contests4. Echo chambers5. Privacy and security concerns

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1. What other disadvantages using PWTs in learning (for teachers and students)?

2. Which learning method is better for teaching, is it linear or non-linear? Give reason!

3. Many students know about the PWTs, however they do not really know the potential and the benefit from the deep learning of PWTs, what do you (as a teacher) think to solve this problem?

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When learners adopt personal web technologies, it enables and requires them to discard their roles as passive consumers of information and to take on new roles.

While teachers and trainers can encourage the use of PWTs and aid in the development of the related skills needed to use them, the true quality and effectiveness of a PLE or PLN depends on the learner him/herself. For self-directed, critical-thinking individuals, personal web technologies present a range of new learning possibilities.

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McElvaney,J., & Berge,Z. (2009). Weaving a personal web: Using online technologies to create customized, connected, and dynamic learning environments. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technologies, 35(2).

Available fromhttp://www.cjlt.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/view/524/257