We couldbeheroes -recon2014


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  1. 1. We Could Be Heroes Eva Galperin Global Policy Analyst, Electronic Frontier Foundation eva@eff.org @evacide
  2. 2. No, really. Big damn heroes.
  3. 3. Ok, more like this
  4. 4. In the beginning, there were kittens
  5. 5. Activists are vulnerable
  6. 6. Meanwhile, in Syria
  7. 7. The stakes are high
  8. 8. February 2011, Syria unbans Facebook
  9. 9. Anti-Dissident Campaign Civil Unrest Begins January 26, 2011 Anti-Dissident Operations Discovered Fake Youtube [Deliver Malware] [Phishing] 2012 CNN Reporting Skype [Deliver Malware] Fake Facebook Deliver Malware
  10. 10. Phish All The Things
  11. 11. Phish All The Things
  12. 12. Phish All The Things
  13. 13. Phish All The Things
  14. 14. Phish All The Things
  15. 15. Phish All The Things
  16. 16. Phish All The Things Head of syrian opposition...
  17. 17. Fake Revolutionary Plans
  18. 18. Zero-Hour Plan for Aleppo
  19. 19. Ive got a little list
  20. 20. A message from Sheikh Adnan
  21. 21. Encription... can haz?
  22. 22. Encription... can haz?
  23. 23. Anti Hacker
  24. 24. Anti Hacker
  25. 25. Theyre ba-ack
  26. 26. Hijacked Facebook Group
  27. 27. A very bad day of malware analysis
  28. 28. False Flag
  29. 29. alosh66 Domains: alosh66.no-ip.info alosh66.myftp.org alosh66.servecounterstrike.net alosh66.linkpc.net Distinguishing feature: Predictable C2 domain naming convention. Tools: Dark Comet RAT BlackShades RAT
  30. 30. Attacks March 2012: Fake YouTube Website YouTube credential phishing DarkComet RAT June/July 2012: Skype phishing BlackShades RAT August 2012: Facebook phishing BlackShades RAT
  31. 31. dot28 Gang Domain: meroo.no-ip.org Distinguishing feature: Repeated use of as C2. Tools: Dark Comet RAT Xtreme RAT
  32. 32. Dot28 Gang Operating from November 2012 to present Campaigns: Zero hour plan for the city of Aleppo Plans for a revolutionary high council Skype encryption program Anti-Hacker application Names of some militants in Syria and abroad who are wanted by the Syrian regime
  33. 33. Dot28 Gang 30+ DarkComet RAT samples connecting to 1 Xtreme RAT sample connection to C&C stayed up during Internet blackout in Syria
  34. 34. Syrian students getting savvy
  35. 35. DarkcoderSc
  36. 36. Tools & Actors
  37. 37. Good morning Vietnam
  38. 38. Le Quoc Quan
  39. 39. Dieu Cay
  40. 40. Ceiling cat sez u want free flights and hotels nao?
  41. 41. Attacks on Vietnamese bloggers
  42. 42. Ethiopia: One Step Beyond
  43. 43. Thanks, Snowden
  44. 44. The game is afoot!
  45. 45. "The current Ethiopian government has a well- documented history of human rights violations against anyone it sees as political opponents. Here, it wiretapped a United States citizen on United States soil in an apparent attempt to obtain information about members of the Ethiopian diaspora who have been critical of their former government. U.S. laws protect Americans from this type of unauthorized electronic spying, regardless of who is responsible." EFF Staff attorney Nate Cardozo
  46. 46. Meanwhile, in the UK
  47. 47. Thanks! Many thanks to: John Adams, Morgan Marquis- Boire, Bill Marczak, Cooper Quintin, Cindy Cohn, Nate Cardozo, Citizen Lab, and Privacy International. Heroes and rock stars.
