


Vim, maybe the final text editor you need to learn.

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Vim the final text editor you need to learn



Current Status 80% iOS app, 20% Ruby/Rails


I'm looking for a text editor..

1. launch quickly 2. easy to navigate between files 3. and pretty syntax highlight


Vim = Vi iMproved

Free and Charity

What's Vim?

it may look a little old-fashioned

but it can also be modern : )

So, Why Vim?


Keyboard is King!

and, Why not Vim?

seems very hard to learn..

you won’t use other editors after learning Vim..

Today, we have 2 Goals..

no Mouse

no Arrow keys

muscle memory


in terminal: 1. ctrl + z to stash vim, and type fg to bring it back. 2. ctrl + w to delete a word, ctrl + u to delete a whole line, both work in terminal and vim edit mode. 3. ctrl + r to find history commands fuzzily.

How to Vim?

Practice: Install Vim in your machine.


Modes normal, visual, and edit mode

Modes Switch: 1. in normal mode, i or a or o to enter edit mode(i = insert, a = append, o = newline) 2. in edit mode, ESC or Ctrl+[ to enter normal mode 3. in normal mode, hit v or V to enter visual mode 4. in visual mode, hit ESC or Ctrl+[ to normal mode

ESC or Ctrl + [

Practice: launch Vim and switch between normal, visual, and edit mode.

Movement :h movement

move cursor with h, j, k and l disable arrow keys if possible

photo by Kent-Chen

Practice: Use h, j, k, l instead of using arrow keys.

✓w or W to move cursor forward by a word, and b or B is backward. ✓0 (number zero) to back to the begin of the line, and $ is jump to the end. ✓fx will stop the cursor at the next "x" character in current line, and F is search backward.

✓ } will move cursor to next section, { move to last section.

✓gg will move the cursor to the top of the current file, and G will jump to bottom.

Practice: Use word jumpers (b, w, fx..etc) to move cursor between words and lines.

✓ zz, zb, zt ✓ / search, n can jump to next matched result, and N

will jump to last one. ✓ * search the word on cursor.

Practice: search some keywords in your document.

Visual Selection

✓vit will visually select content between the tag, while vat will even including the tag.

✓vi" will visually select content between current double quotes.

✓viw will select the current word. ✓ ctrl+v to enter block selection mode.


✓ :w write to file. ✓ :q exit Vim. ✓ :tabe create a new tab. ✓gt to switch to next tab, gT to previous tab. (I

map gt and gT to F7 and F8 in my vimrc) ✓ :new to create a horizontal split window, :vnew

or :vs to create a vertical split window.

✓vi -o a.rb b.rb to open those two files at the same time with horizontal split window.

✓vi -O a.rb b.rb same as above, but in vertical split window.

✓vi -p a.rb b.rb to open files with tabs. ✓vi will read the source

content into vim directly.

Practice: 1. quit Vim, and launch Vim, quite Vim, and launch Vim .. x N 2. open a file with Vim, exit, then open it again, then exit .. x N

Buffers :ls, :bd, :b3, :b filename, :tab ba

Practice: try to open several files, and switch between them with buffer commands.

Vim Text Objects

d 3 w = delete 3 words

Word: 1. aw - around word 2. iw - inner word

Practice: 1. select a word, deselect, and select another word, and deselect.. x N !

2. select a word, delete it, select another word, and delete.. X N

Sentence: 1. as - a sentence 2. is - inner sentence

Practice: 1. select a sentence, deselect, and select another sentence, and deselect.. x N !

2. select a sentence, delete it, select another sentence, and delete.. X N

Paragraph: 1. ap - a paragraph 2. ip - inner paragraph

Practice: 1. select a paragraph, deselect, and select another paragraph, and deselect.. x N !

2. select a paragraph, delete it, select another paragraph, and delete.. X N

Folding :h folds

Basic: - zf to fold selected lines - zd to un-fold selected lines

Practice: fold several lines, and unfold them .. x N


✓D to clear all content of current line after the cursor.

✓C like D, but enter insert mode. dG will clear all content after the cursor, dgg will clear all content before the cursor.

✓x remove a character. ✓ . to repeat last action. ✓dd to delete whole line, 3dd to delete 3 lines. ✓u to undo, ctrl+r to redo.


✓~ to toggle upper case and lower case. ✓ :m+ to move current line to next line. ✓ :m-2 to move current line to previous line. ✓>> to add indentation. ✓<< to reduce indentation. ✓= re-format, gg=G re-format whole file.


✓yy yank the whole line of the cursor. ✓3yy yank 3 lines. ✓p paste content from register, 3p paster content

from register for 3 times.


✓dw, diw to delete the word in the cursor. ✓ cw, ciw same as above, but enter insert mode. ✓ r to replace current character. ✓ J to concatenate current line with next line, 3J

will concatenate next 3 lines. ✓> to add indentation, < to remove indentation.


✓ set history=1000 keep 1000 lines of command line history.

✓ set undolevels=100 ✓ set ruler show the cursor position all the time ✓ set autoread auto read when file is changed from

outside ✓ set cursorline ✓ set number ✓ set numberwidth=4

✓ set nobomb no BOM(Byte Order Mark) ✓ set clipboard+=unnamed ✓ set splitright always open vertical split window in the

right side. ✓ set splitbelow always open horizontal split window

below. ✓ set scrolloff=5 start scrolling when n lines away from

margins ✓ set showtabline=2 always show tab

✓ set synmaxcol=128 ✓ set viminfo= disable .viminfo file ✓ filetype on enable filetype detection ✓ filetype indent on enable filetype-specific indenting ✓ filetype plugin on enable filetype-specific plugins ✓ syntax on syntax highlight ✓ set hlsearch search highlighting ✓ set incsearch incremental search ✓ set ignorecase ignore case when searching

✓ set nobackup no *~ backup files ✓ set noswapfile ✓ set nowritebackup ✓ set expandtab replace <TAB> with spaces ✓ set softtabstop=2 ✓ set shiftwidth=2 ✓ set tabstop=2

to disable sound on errors… ✓ set visualbell ✓ set noerrorbells ✓ set t_vb= ✓ set tm=500

file encoding… ✓ set encoding=utf-8 ✓ scriptencoding utf-8

ignore something… ✓ set wildignore+=*.o,*.obj,*.pyc ✓ set wildignore+=*.png,*.jpg,*.gif,*.ico ✓ set wildignore+=*.swf,*.fla ✓ set wildignore+=*.mp3,*.mp4,*.avi,*.mkv

remove tailing whitespace… ✓ autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e

key re-map… ✓map <Leader><Leader> <Leader>c<space> comment ✓ noremap <F7> gT to previous tab ✓ noremap <F8> gt to next tab ✓ nmap <TAB> v> tab to add indentation ✓ nmap <S-TAB> v< shift-tab to reduce indentation ✓ vmap <TAB> >gv ✓ vmap <S-TAB> <gv


key re-map… ✓map 0 ^ ✓ nmap <leader>v :tabe $MYVIMRC<CR> ✓map <leader>0 :topleft 100 :split<CR>


if you want to use my .vimrc 1. clone from my Github repo 2. cd to cloned repo and execute install script 3. make symbolic link for vim 4. done!

or if you trust me… 1. via curl: sh <(curl -L


2. via wget: sh <(wget --no-check-certificate -O -)

Pathogen nice plugin manager

NERDTree A tree explorer

SnipMate code snippets plugin, inspired by TextMate

ctrlp Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder

surround.vim quoting/parenthesizing made simple

vim-multiple-cursors Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim

powerline the ultimate vim statusline utility

rails.vim Ruby on Rails power tools

fugitive a git wrapper for vim

vimwiki personal wiki for vim




and more practice.. : )