V synan intelligence


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The area that appeared strongest on the test was musical, which I agree with completely. My entire world revolves around music. I can do nothing without music. My next two big areas were intrapersonal and logical. I also find these results accurate. Math is my main strength at school. Numbers and formulas just seem to click and make sense in my mind. Also, I am generally very quiet and reserved. If I do not have to make myself seen or known, I won’t. I hate group projects; I do much better when I get to work by myself. I also agree that my weakest area is naturalistic. I do not like being outside getting sweaty and dirty. I would much rather stay inside and read a good book than go and scrape my knee outside.

MusicalI love anything that relates music to

psychology. For this lesson, we could have done a research study on someone like Mozart of Beethoven to see if music is a natural ability or if it is nurtured.

IntrapersonalWe could have done an assignment where as a group we try to support either nature or nurture. But, also make individuals support nature or nurture and judge which argument is more convincing.


Number LogicWe could have performed a survey to see if more students favored the idea of nurture or nature.

MusicalWe could have looked up research to see if listening to music as a child increases development. For example, is watching Little Einstiens truly beneficial to children’s development?

IntrapersonalWe could have done a study on whether only children or children with siblings develop more efficiently.

Number LogicWe could have researched how children learn to count and reason through problems. For example, we could have researched whether memorizing your times tables makes you better at reading as well as math.

MusicalWe could have done research on which specific areas of the brain are responsible for hearing as well as playing music. We also could have researched why some people are so much more musical based solely on brain anatomy.

IntrapersonalWe could have studied what specific parts of the brain are involved in working as a group. We could have also researched if the brain works harder when working alone or when responding to a group of people.

Math LogicWe could have studied the different areas of the brain that are involved in math logic versus the parts of the brain involved in word logic.
