Using Solr in Online Travel Shopping to Improve User Experience - By Esteban Donato and Sudhakara...



See conference video - In this talk we would like to present three different use cases of Solr in the travel industry. First of all we would describe how we implemented faceted navigation for hotel shopping. Then, we will introduce how we implemented destination searching functionality like auto-complete and misspelling. Lastly, we will show you how we integrated Solr to provide better experiences to mobile users.

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Using Solr in Online Travel to Improve User Experience

Sudhakar Karegowdra, Esteban Donato

Travelocity, May 25TH 2011{ sudhakar.karegowdra, esteban.donato}

What We Will Cover Travelocity Speakers Background Merchandising & Solr

• Challenges• Solution• Sizing and performance data• Take Away

Location Resolution & Solr• Challenges• Solution• Sizing and performance data• Take Away


First Online Travel Agency(OTA) Launched in 1996 Grown to 3,000 employees and is one of the largest

travel agencies worldwide Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth with satellite

offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Singapore, Bangalore, Buenos Aires to name a few

In 2004, the Roaming Gnome became the centerpiece of marketing efforts and has become an international pop icon

Owned by Sabre Holdings - sister companies include Travelocity Business,,, Zuji among others


Speakers Background

Esteban Donato• Lead Architect My experience

– 10 + years– Solr 2 years – Analyzing Mahout and

Carrot2 for document clustering engine.

Topic : Location Resolution


Sudhakar Karegowdra• Principal Architect My experience

– 13 + years– Solr/ Lucene 3 years – Implementing Hadoop,

Pig and Hive for Data warehouse.

Topic : Merchandising


Merchandising By Sudhakar Karegowdra

The Challenge

Market Drivers• Build Landing Pages with Faceted Navigation• Enable Content Segmentation and delivery• Support Roll out of Promotions • Roll up Data to a higher level

E.g., All 5 star hotels in California to bring all the 5 Star hotels from SFO,LAX, SAN etc.,

• Faster time to market new Ideas• Rapidly scale to accommodate global brands

with disparate data sources


The Challenge

Traditional Database approach• Higher time to market• Specialized skill set to design and optimize

database structures and queries• Aggregation of data and changing of structures

quite complex• Building Faceted navigation capabilities needs

complex logic leading to high maintenance cost


Solution - Overview

Data from various sources aggregated and ingested into Solr • Core per Locale and Product Type

Wrapper service to combine some data across product cores and manage configuration rules

Solr’s built in Search and Faceting to power the navigation


Solution – Architecture View


Solr Master (Multi Core)


Offer Management


Services/Business Logic

UI Widgets Mobile

Deals Products ……

Solr Slaves (Multi Core)

Solution - Achievements

Millions of unique Long Tail Landing Pages E.g.,

Faster search across products E.g., Beach Deals under $500

Segmented Content delivery through tagging Scaled well to distribute the content to different

brands, partners and advertisers Opened up for other innovative applications

Deals on Map, Deals on Mobile, Wizards etc.,


Solution – Road Ahead

Migration to Solr 3.1 • Geo spatial search• CSV out put format

Query boosting by Search pattern Near Real time Updates Deal and user behavior mining in Hadoop –

MapReduce and Solr to Serve the Content Move Slaves to Cloud


Sizing & Performance

Index Stats Number of Cores : 25 Number of Documents : ~ 1 Million Records

Response Requests : 70 tps Average response time : 0.005 seconds (5 ms)

Software Versions Solr Version 1.4.0

– filterCache size : 30000

Tomcat – 5.5.9 JDK1.6


Take Away

Semi Structured Storage in Solr helps aggregate disparate sources easily

Remember Dynamic fields

Multiple Cores to manage multiple locale data

Solr is a great enabler of “Innovations”



Location ResolutionBy Esteban Donato

The Challenge

How to develop a global location resolution service?

Flexibility to changes General enough to cover everyone needs Multi language Performance and scalability Configurable by site


Architecture of the solution


Location DB

Solr Master

Solr Slave

Management Tool


Batch Job

Remote Streaming indexing CSV format

Master/Slave architecture Multi-core: each core

represents a language

SolrJ client binary format Solr response cache


System has to suggest options as the users type their desired location

Examples “san” => San Francisco, “veg” => Las Vegas

Relevancy: not all the locations are equally important. “par” => “Paris, France”; “Parana, Argentina”

Users can search by various fields: location code, location name, city code, city name, state/province code, state province name, country code, country name.


Solr schema<dynamicField name="RANK*" type="int" required="false" indexed="true" stored="true" />

<field name="GLS_FULL_SEARCH" type="glsSearchField" required="false" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />

<fieldType name="glsSearchField" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100“>


<tokenizer class="solr.PatternTokenizerFactory" pattern="[/\-\t ]+" />

<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.TrimFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory" pattern="[,.]" replacement="" replace="all"/>





System has to resolve the location requested by the users.

Contemplates aliases. Big Apple => New York Contemplates ambiguities. Contemplates misspellings. Lomdon => London

NGramDistance algorithm. How to combine distance with relevancy Error suggesting the correct location when it is a prefix.

Lond => London


Spellchecker configuration<fieldType name=" spellcheckType " class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100“>


<tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory” />

<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.TrimFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory" />

<filter class="solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory" pattern="[,.]" replacement="" replace="all"/>




Sizing & Performance

4 cores with ~ 500,000 documents indexed each

Response times• Auto-complete: 15ms, 20 TPS• Resolution: 10ms, 2 TPS

Cache configuration• queryResultCache: maxSize=1024• documentCache, maxSize=1024• fieldValueCache  & filterCache  disabled


Wrap Up

Performance always as top priority Develop simple but robust services Provide a simple API





Esteban Donato•• Twitter: @eddonato

Sudhakar Karegowdra•• Twitter: @skaregowdra

Twitter: @travelocity and
