Twitter Strategy - proposal for Global Voices Online



Twitter Strategy - proposal for Global Voices Online

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Where we are and can be with our Twitter accounts

– few ideas to kick off discussion

Quick stats on few accounts:

profile name updates following followers bio content

globalvoices 15,185 116 3,731... amplifying, curating and aggregating the global conversation online

feeds links from the site

gvopt 50 14 54Os artigos do Global Voices Online, em língua portuguesa

feeds links from the site

GVinfrench 781 0 79"Le Monde Parle. Ecoutez-vous ?" Revue de blogs du monde entier

feeds links from the site

GVmalagasy 559 28 31 GVO amin'ny teny malagasyfeeds links from the site

gvozh 3,074 7 391Global Voices Online Chinese translation project.

feeds links from the site

GlobalVoicesPol 7 10 25Polska wersja Global Voices - głównie z wiadomościami ze strony;)

feeds links from the site, conversational

globalvoicesnl 66 22 38

Global Voices biedt een platform aan nieuws uit de hele wereld dat door andere media vaak worden genegeerd en zet zich in voor vrijheid van meningsuiting

feeds links from the site

GVitaliano 242 0 25 Global Voices Online in italianofeeds links from the site

GVinarabic 11 47 35

األصوات العالمية على اإلنترنت تريد تضخيم وتجميع المحادثة العالمية على اإلنترنت - مع التركيز على البلدان والجاليات التي تتجاهلها

وسائل االعالم األخرىfeeds links from the site, conversational

Quick points – top line analysis:•Profile names are inconsistent,•Twitter ratio (Twitter Follower-Friend Ratio) are inconsistent and not always impressive,•Bio texts are inconsistent,•Content is mainly based on links feed,•Backgrounds are inconsistent.

All this shows lack of consistent strategy.In our case it’s a fact, but can be improved by few simple solutions – if we decide to go down that root.

Profile names could be more consistent•Using the same naming convention increases our visibility (find two regional accounts and you can guess the profile of a third one).•It also helps to find our profiles within community (newcomers).•It impresses followers, looks more professional.•Internally – having guidelines never hurts!;)

Twitter ratio describes approach to Twitter usage:

•No followers, plenty followed – new user, not human•No followed, plenty followers – not interested in others content or networking•Few followed, plenty followers – Twitter celebrity•Few followers, plenty followed – spammer•More followed than followers – interested in others content•More followers than followed – good content creator•Balanced – good networker

What is our statement?

‘A ratio of less than 1.0 indicates that you are seeking knowledge (and

Twitter Friends), but not getting much Twitter Love in return. Check your

pulse, you might be a bot. A ratio of around 1.0 means you are respected among your peers. Many

people think that a ratio of around 1.0 is the best - you're listening and being

listened to. A ratio of 2.0 or above shows that you are a popular person and people want

to hear what you have to say. You might be a thought leader in your

community. A TFF Ratio 10 or higher indicates that you're either a Rock Star in your field or

you are an elitist and you cannot be bothered by Twitter's mindless chatter.

You like to hear yourself talk. Luckily others like to hear you talk, too. You

may be an ass.’

Twitter –bio section:•Tells Twitterati who talks to them,•Tells Twitterati how we talk to them (language, content)•Tells Twitterati why we are here•If we feed info from our site, we should disclaim it here.

What do we say and how?

Do we all (all regions) do it the same way?

Our content:•Needs to give what followers want•Needs to be interesting•Should be interactive (RT, DM, @)•Can relate to meme’s (#followfriday)•Can be informative (site down, sorry!)•Can be fun (#gvbook09)

What do we want to give out followers?What type of content strengthens our Twitter presence?What is doable?

Graphics, background:•Speaks for itself•Is additional space for promotion (side bar with info, our profiles, photos)•Sends strong message it is consistent

What do we want to use it for? Integrity (logo, one background) or regional variety (photos of regional team, logos etc)?

Questions to ask:•Why do we use Twitter now?•What do we want to achieve with Twitter globally and what regionally?•How much time do we have for Twitter?•How far do we want to go with consistency vs. originality of regional profiles (backgrounds, naming, bio)?

Do we want to position ourselves like this?

Or like this?

If we want a perfect Twitter presence for global and regional Global Voices...

We need strategy.

How? Simple:•Stage 1 – define our goals and possibilities (resources)•Stage 2 – agree on common approach (common does not mean global, just consistent)•Stage 3 – assign resources•Stage 4 – enhance out presence (all points made earlier + next slide)

Building Twitter presence:1.Define yourself (bio, design, name)2.Join conversation (start following others)3.Introduce yourself (start feeding content – be it feeds, be it organic info)

4.Gradually start engaging (RT, @, DM)

5.Once you have a core tribe (approx. 50% of followed follow you, 25% talk to you) and you have quite a few updates you can go for a push – start following larger amount of people

Building Twitter credibility:•It’s nice to follow back those who follow you, but only if you are really interested in them.•It’s not nice to shout, @ all the time without moving private to DM etc. (Twitter ethics)•It’s not a sin to unfollow someone.•It’s OK to not respond if you have nothing to say.•It’s nice to engage in conversation, meme’s and provide quality content.•It’s not a bad to RT content of ‘competitors’ - Twitter is about collaboration.•Using tools like is ok for non-commercial projects.

The most important: it’s a must to be genuine.
