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What is Twitter?


•Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets.

What is tweets?

• Tweets are text based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers.


•Twitter Was Developed By Jack Dorsey On March 21st 2006.

Reason Behind The Emergence of Twitter

•In a meeting Jack Dorsey introduced the idea of an individual using an SMS service to communicate with a small group, a concept partly inspired by the SMS group messaging service TXTMOB.

Twitter’s good for:

• Linking up with a community of people who share your interests.

• Live event reporting: finding out what people are talking away from conferences, debates, sporting events, etc., in real time

Getting started on Twitter

• Hop on over to

• Set yourself up with an account by clicking on the blue “Get Started Join!” button

Sign up page

Home page


Find people

• Find on Tweets

• Find on other networks

• Invite by email

• Suggested users

Find People

Find on Twitter

Find on other networks

Finding people on Twitter

• Another way is to check out the Twitter Nonprofit Pack at


• Account

• Password

• Devices

• Notices

• Picture

• Design

Twitter’s privacy settings• If you don’t want

your updates to post to the public timeline and you don’t want people to be able to follow you without permission, you can lock your profile






Trending Topics

How messaging is done In twitter

• Two ways

1.Public messages

2.Direct messages

Public Messages

• It is simply an answer to the question, “what are you doing?” In that kind of twitter message we are broadcasting to the world the contents of our message.

Direct messages

Categorized messages

How Searching is done in twitter

Twitter status

It shows the current status of the twitter that are being updatedAnd also displays the related links about the updated topic


User Multiface

Browser • SMS • IM • RSS reader • FriendFeed • Facebook • blogs • widgets • desktop iPhone Blackberry.

Some Examples

• Influential individuals

• Customer service

• Branding and relationships

• Direct sales

• Consumer products

Influential Individuals

Customer Service

Branding and Relationships

Direct Sales

Consumer Products

Features in Twitter

• Twitpic It leds you to share photo on twitter.It can be post

through phone or through sites

• Digsby Digsby = IM + Email + Social Networks digsby is a multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with

all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber

• Twitterstats

It takes the twitter usage and graphs that can be displayed on the web page or blog.

Languages used in twitter• C++ • C#/.NET • Cold fusion • Eiffel • Java  • JavaScript • Objective-C/Cocoa • Perl • PHP • PL/SQL • Python • Ruby • Scala • T-SQL • VB.NET
