Trailer analysis inception


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Shehryar Sheikh

INCEPTION (2010) Trailer #2

In this text we found that it was very similar to our text in the sense that both our texts were centred on the narrative tool of dreams. I especially found intriguing was the environment of the dream that was made due to the fact that I was in every way like the real world with nothing out of place that could show that this was in fact a dream on first viewing upon a number of viewing you see that the texts creator hints at little in discrepancies within the text that are not blatantly shown it is left to the text viewers to decode the hidden codes. This in itself shows what type of demographic this text is aimed at and the faith in the audience’s intelligence to differentiate between the two

Here we can see cobb (dicaprio) telling Ariadne (page) that this is a dream and her as the dreams architect can control all aspects of the dream and in doing so can use it to her advantage . I liked this set piece as it shows the depth and grandeur of the scene while remaining stationary

Here we see two people (dicaprio and page) sitting in a cafe at this point we as the text viewers are not told in any way thought the use of signifiers that this is in fact a dream however as dicaprio’s character says “a dream feels normal until you wake up and realise that something was wrong” at this point objects in the foreground and background start to explode and the text viewers now realise this is in fact a dream

In this shot we see the signify being a glass of water however the connotation of the waters gradient being altered gives the message that there is in fact something wrong and all is not as it seems subtle signifiers like these allow the text’s viewer to know that this is a dream sequence were normal every day laws and rules do not apply anymore

Here we see a quick jump cut to cobb (Dicaprio) in a bath jumping out , I liked this scene because it shows that there is a state of disequilibrium in the narrative that has forced DiCaprio’s charter to jump out of a bath while fully clothed and the fact that only a quick flash of this was seem it is left to the target audience to derive this from the signifier of him jumping out the bath tub