Top 5 Remarketing Tips for 2011



In any given market, there will be some visitors that will turn into a lead immediately; however, many will visit your site once and never return. This is where a remarketing strategy comes into play. Your business can re-target those visitors who have browsed other relevant websites by creating customized banners and advertisements tailored to re-engage previous visitors. Remarketing builds brand awareness and helps marketers improve conversion rates and gain a loyal following.

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Top 5 Remarketing Tips for 2011

@Webmarketing123 @TravisLowSEO

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Today’s Webinar Topics


1. What Is Remarketing and Why Should I Use It?

2. Top 5 Tips To Create The Best Remarketing Campaigns

3. How To Increase Interaction With Users and Ultimately Close a Deal

Today’s Webinar Topics


1. What Is Remarketing and Why Should I Use It?

2. Top 5 Tips To Create The Best Remarketing Campaigns

3. How To Increase Interaction With Users and Ultimately Close a Deal

What is Remarketing?


• When you re-market to users who have visited certain pages in your website.

• Classify them as “Qualified users” where they have a higher chance of converting than other traffic.

Why should I use Remarketing?


• Increase the value of your current campaign

Closing Users that visited but did not convert

• Increase the value of a new campaign

Retarget users who converted, and look for them to convert again

Targeted Traffic


General Traffic

Interested Traffic

Engaged Traffic

Converted Traffic

Today’s Webinar Topics


1. What Is Remarketing and Why Should I Use It?

2. Top 5 Tips To Create The Best Remarketing Campaigns

3. How To Increase Interaction With Users and Ultimately Close a Deal



Identify Your Goals and

Determine Traffic Type



Offer Unique or Different Offers

When Remarketing



Seize the Opportunity

to Use Image Ads



Personalize & Tailor Ad’s to Each Remarketing Campaign



Determine the Best

Time to Remarket

Today’s Webinar Topics

1. What Is Remarketing and Why Should I Use It?

2. Top 5 Tips To Create The Best Remarketing Campaigns

3. How To Increase Interaction With Users and Ultimately Close a Deal



How to Increase Interaction

• Continue to market, show Deals, etc.Average customer visits a site 5 or 6 times before purchasing

• Keep on showing up, get your brand stuck in their head, so when they are ready to purchase, they come to you instead of others

•Entice audience by signing up for an email or webinar to keep them excited about several offers.

Summary: Key Components of Remarketing


•Key Components•Define Your Goals•Define Target Audience

•Gender, Location, Age, Etc.•Determine Traffic Type

•General, Segmented, Specific•Ad Type

•Image, text, etc.•Interaction Tips

•Continuous Marketing•Different/Unique Offers


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