To pay or not to pay: That is the social media question



Do you have a tough time deciding whether or not to pay for an upgrade on social media tools? These tips help you decide to pay or not to pay.

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To Pay or Not To Pay

that is the social media


We all love free stuff

Free blogging tools


With all this free stuff

With all this free stuff

does it ever make sense to


And the answer is

It depends

Consider these three factors

Size of your business

Your operating budget

Functionality you need

by functionality?


What do we mean

Let’s use Slideshare as an example

You have these options Basic (FREE) Silver (PAID) Gold (PAID) Platinum (PAID)

Uploads limited in size

Larger sized uploads

All that Silver has PLUS ~

All that Gold has PLUS ~

No private uploads Private uploads Private uploads Private uploads

Track one presentation

Limited video uploads

Higher limit video uploads

Unlimited # video uploads

Basic (FREE) Silver (PAID) Gold (PAID) Platinum (PAID)

None Analytics Analytics Analytics

None Meetings capabilities

Meetings capabilities

Meetings capabilities

None Limited lead capture

Capture more leads

Unlimited lead capture

None Track 5 presentations

Track 30 presentations

Unlimited track presentations

Plus these

This SOLD me

Basic (FREE) Silver (PAID) Gold (PAID) Platinum (PAID)

No analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics

You decide

what‘s right for your business

Think your business

Does paid version


Assess your time vs

purchase cost

Evaluate your purpose

You decide

to pay or not to pay

Cathy Miller, Business Writer

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