The Ultimate Drupal Launch Checklist


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Drupal Launch Checklist

Snake Hill Partner


Background in Art / CA Founder / Neighborhood Revitalization

First site Maryland State Slide Registry

Drupal since 2009

Before You Start

Existing Site? Planned outage?

Schedule notification to users

Maintenance page (configure content, customize?, use rules)

Do you have everything you need?Access to live environment

SSL Certificate

Access to DNS



Pre-Launch Check

1. Check the small stuffLogin/Reset New Password/Sign up


Did you install nocurrent_pass?

RegistrationCheck email notification text

Change site email

Error PagesRedirect Access Denied to Login?


Pre-Launch Check

2. Review Content and CleanupRemove test data

Check file security

Run link checker (e.g., linkchecker module)

Content revisions?


Extras credit keep a pagehomebox.tpl.php on hand for repurposing


Pre-Launch Check

3. Test Site Admin Interface (should have been done in development)Redirect to dashboard on login based on role (Rules)

Buttons to add content (did you theme standard markup?)

Extras credit keep a pagehomebox.tpl.php on hand for repurposing

Pre-Launch Check

4. Cross Browser Testing (should be part of development)First with Firefox Dev Tools View responsive layouts

Then with BrowserStack, Sauce Labs or Other

Did you plan for large screens? Should you?

Retina Support (Retina Image Module, svg, Borialis server)

What's you favorite browser testing tool

Pre-Launch Check

5. SEOSchema module

Automatic path configurations

Install XML Sitemap

Other toolsSEO Tools


Pre-Launch Check

6. Push content/code to liveBackup existing site

For upgrades Migrate content D6 D7

7. Check status report and logsLatest release?

Fix what's causing log entries / switch to syslog server

Lots of modules available for improved logging

8. Disable devel modules

Migration Paths Migrate Drupal2drupal module node export node export feeds with tamper 2nd In place upgrade (drush sup)

Logging- performance concerns- Modules Logging and alerts Better Statistics Advanced Syslog Typo (detect typos) Inspect

Pre-Launch Check

Other Testing ToolsNotificationsLitmus Test and track emails

Powermapper Website tools

Pay it forward

What are your favorite web site testing tools?

Time to Launch

Never on a Friday (don't spoil your weekend)9. Redirect to www via settings.php10. Point DNS (Use TTL setting for faster update)11. SSL Certificate + Secure pages or settings.php Test, test, test

if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') { header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location:'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit(); }

if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SSL']) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SSL'] != 'ON')) { header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location:'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit(); }

settings.php magic

if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') { header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location:'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit(); }

if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SSL']) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SSL'] != 'ON')) { header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location:'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit(); }

Benefits of using settings.php

Completely portable and web server neutral

Time to Launch

12. Optimize performance settings13. Logging and errors Users should not see error display


14. Mail deliveryServer vs SMTP vs Mandrill / Sendgrid

reroute_mail module Reroute all site mail based on environment for testing

Mandrill by Mailchimp free up to 12k a month

Post Launch

15. Setup daily backups16. Tracking User Behaviors Configure Google AnalyticsOWA Module

17. SEOConfigure Google Webmaster and Bing Webmaster ToolsSubmit to search enginesSEO Checklist Module

GoogleGoogle PlacesGoogle MobileBingYahoo!TwitterFacebookCitySearchFoursquareYP.comSMGPS navigationMerchantCircle

The Ultimate SEO Checklist
next time ;-)

GoogleGoogle PlacesGoogle MobileBingYahoo!Twitter

FacebookCitySearchFoursquareYP.comSMGPS navigationMerchantCircle

Post Launch

Brag!ClientWill there be a press release (to who)?Industry media?

AgencyHave you prepared?Where?


Daniel schiavone

Baltimore Drupal / DC Drupal Drupal Co-working
