The Themer's Toolkit


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The Themers Toolkit


The tools available to Drupal 6 themers are amazing! Come learn about base themes, must-have modules, browser-based tools you can't live without and get a gentle introduction on how to convert Drupal 5 themes to Drupal 6. Woo!

PS This talk was based on chapter 2 and chapter 3 of Front End Drupal a brand new book on theming Drupal. More information is available at

April 2009

The .info file

name = Venus

description = The most beautiful theme evah.

Screenshot= screenshot.png

core = 6.x

engine = phptemplate

A .tpl.php file

The template.php file

Starter Themes

The .info file

name = Venus

description = The most beautiful theme evah.

Screenshot= screenshot.png

core = 6.x

engine = phptemplat

base theme= zen

Converting from Drupal 5x

The .info file

stylesheets[all][] = regions.css

stylesheets[print][] = print.css

regions[above_header] = above header

regions[navbar] = navigation bar

5 tools you need to use too

1. Firebug

2. Screen shot + testing services

3. Devel module

4. Design library (Zotero)

5. CSS Grids

+ 1

More information at:

Share your toolkit.

Photo credit: Chrys, DrupalCon Szeged1.

Blog your toolkit.

Photo by: tnarik2.


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