The Ten Flatteners



Short image summary of the 10 Flatteners. Read further into the investgation to get more deapth on each flattener.

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The Ten Flatteners

Flat = Connected

What has ‘flattened’ our world?

#1: Collapse of the Berlin Wall (11/9/89)“Start of the revolution” – allowed individuals to use their own personal computers, giving them freedom to connect again with the world, to find happiness

#2: Netscape-“Broadened the audience”

#3: Workflow Software- or the ability for machines to talk to machines with no help from humans’

#4: Open Source- Collaborating and sharing work!

#5. Outsourcing

Allows companies, and individuals to get other work done for them, allowing theses businesses to work in the most efficient, cost-effective, time-effective way.

#6. Offshoring

#7. Supply-chaining When a company uses technology to streamline item

sales, distribution and shipping.

#8: Insouring

#9: In-forming

#10: The Steroids

These ideas have been taken and adopted from “The World is Flat” by Thomas L. Friedman, Please read into my investigation to get a deeper understanding!

