The Secret Language of Girls


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The Secret Language of


Allison Juarez-RamirezThursday November 17th, 2011

Core 1 Language ArtsReading Essay

Marylin and Kate…

Two girls named Marylin and Kate, have been best friends living on the same street since pre-school, until they entered middle school. Their friendship started to grow apart when a new girl moved onto the street, the “popular” 7th grader Flannery.

Opinions Changing… Marylin begins to think Kate’s acting childish. On the other hand- Kate starts to think that Marylin is starting to act snobby and care about what people think of her, especially boys… Their friendship starts to go different ways, and they both don’t want to admit it.

I Thought… My opinion towards the book was that it is very interesting and that I would recommend it to girls of the ages 9-13. This is because this book shows a lot of emotion and also teaches the reader a lesson on how to deal with friends and it teaches it throughout a common situation. The girls in this book are going through a difficult age, and their thoughts are expressed in such a variety of ways you cannot imagine…
