The Kingdoms Of Southeast Asia And Korea


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Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea

• Located between the Indian & Pacific oceans.

• Mainland Peninsula borders North of China, and Western India.

• Climate is very humid and receives monsoons and annual heavy rainfalls.

There are also many mountains that make it hard for communication.

The key to power = the control of trade routes.


Geography of Southeast Asia

The Khmer Empire

The Khmer Empire was located in modern day Cambodia. They were the main power in

Southeast Asia for a few centuries, and reached the peak of their power at AD 1200.

They built elaborate irrigation systems that allowed the production of three or four crops a

year, instead of just one.

The Angkor Wat, one of the world’s greatest architectural achievements covers about a

square mile; It was an observatory and was dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. “It was built by Suryavarman II between 1113 and

1150” (Herning).

C. L.

• By the first century A.D., Indian merchants begin sailing monsoons to southeast Asia.

• Hinduism and Buddhism spread, becoming the political ideas of rising Southeast Asian kingdoms.

Culture• Southeastern Asian poets write long

poems in the Indian language, Sanskrit.• Chinese ideas and culture spread to

the south through migration and trade while political views spread through direct rule or tribute collecting.

M. S.

Influence of India and China

• Was influenced more by the Chinese in the north than the Indians.

• China took control for 1,000 years starting from the Han Dynasty in 100 B.C.

• Vietnam becomes an independent kingdom in 939 after the decline of the Tang Dynasty.

• Vietnamese are influenced by Chinese Buddhism, but the Vietnamese had more independence. Vietnamese women had more freedom unlike the Chinese females.

• The Ly Dynasty makes Hanoi the capital on the Red River delta and the kingdom gradually expands from takeovers in the south.

• After three attempts, Mongols unsuccessfully tried to capture the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi and takeover Vietnam.



Early KoreaKorean legend: Korea was founded by

Tangun. His father was a god, and his mother was a bear.

 Factual: Founded by a descendent of

the Chinese Shang dynasty. 

Size of KoreaThe size of Utah, USA.

Isolated from all its neighbors.

Limited amount of land was farmable.

F. C.

Early History of Korean Dynasties

Clans or tribes would control different parts of the country, up

until 108 B.C.E. when the Han empire established a military


The Koreans borrowed many ideas from the Chinese: centralized government, Confucianism,

Buddhism, and writing.

During the Han rule, three kingdoms began to rival each other.

The Silla defeated the others and gained power over all of Korea.

Under Silla rule, the Koreans built Buddhist monasteries and

developed a writing system that used Chinese characters.

C. L.

Government Tenth Century A.D.- Sulla rule declines and rebel Wang Kon takes the throne, the Koryu Dynasty in Korea in 935 A.D.

• Takes after Chinese central government.

• Created a Confucian civil service examination process, but it wasn’t as fair as the Chinese since nobles were able to get positions because of heredity.

Decline• 1100s- series of rebellions begin • 1231-1350s- Mongols bombard the

Koreans by demanding tribute and kidnapping children and artisans.

• After about 50 years of rule, wealthy landlords cause revolt again due to taxation; Koryu Dynasty ends in 1392.


The Koryu Dynasty

Bibliography North and South Korea Mongols Mongol Sailboat in Bad Weather

Trung Sisters Herning, David. "Angkor Wat." Earth Observatory. NASA. 6 Feb 2008

"John and Sheila's Journey through Vietnam and Cambodia." Geocities. 6 Feb 2008

“Southeast Asia Nov 2004 189” Nov 2004“Gyeongbok Palace - Seoul Korea” Buddha Confucius
