The Erlang Programming Language



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The Erlang Programming Language


• Not a “shiny new object (or function)”• Open sourced by Ericsson in 1998• Functional Programming• Concurrency• Reliability

Erlang is a functional programming language, with native constructs for concurrency and reliability.

Functions as First Class Citizens

Msg = “Lexically scoped closures”,

F = fun()-> erlang:display(Msg) end,

F(). % prints “Lexically scoped closures”

Single Assignment & Unification

I = 4. % assignmentI = I. % unification (invariant)4 = I. % unification (invariant)I = 5. % throws error

MyList = [“A”]. [x] = MyList. % implicit declaration erlang:display(X). % prints “A”

Tail Recursion

loop() ->erlang:display(“in constant

space”), loop().

• Automatic byte code manipulation• Runs in constant space• Last call optimization• for, do and while are the new malloc• Tail recursion is to ‘recursion’ as optimistic locking is to ‘locking’

Arbitrary Precision

Math in Erlang behaves correctly

Sum = 1111111111111111111111111111 + 1.

Currying, Memoization and Monads

What is an Erlang Process?

• An Erlang process (misnomer) combines the best of– An operating system process– An operating system thread– A “green thread”

• Controlled in user space by the ERTS• Costs less than 300 bytes

– Private heap– Private stack

• Pre-emptive Scheduling• Incremental garbage collection• Private immutable state

Most important slide in this presentation

The Actor Model

• Asynchronous message passing• Messages passed by value, not reference• One to one relationships

– An Actor– A mailbox– A Process– A Process ID, or pid

Concurrency Primitives: spawn

A built in function used to create a process.

Pid = spawn(Node, Module, Function, Args)

Concurrency Primitives: the send operator


Concurrency Primitives: sending

The send operator passes a message to a process. It is “fire and forget”.

Msg = { 4, true, “B” },Pid ! Msg.

Concurrency Primitives: receive

receivePattern1 [ when Guard1 ] ->

dosomething().Pattern2 [ when Guard2 ] ->



• Open Telecom Platform - Supervisor Trees• Monitor

– monitor_node(Node, Bool)– Unidirectional

• Link– Pid = spawn_link(Node, Module, Fun, Args)– Bi-directional

• Sequential Constructs– try– catch

Reliability (Continued)

• Erlang can run two and only two versions of a module• Code running has a version lifecycle

– Current– Old– Dead

• Function definitions can be upgraded in the middle of a tail recursive call

• This VM could do this before closures were supported• Ericsson claims nine nines uptime on AX3D01

– 2 million lines of Erlang– Five nines = 5.2 minutes of downtime/year

Open Telecom Platform Behaviours

• Basic Design Principles– Interface– Design Pattern

• Supervision Trees• Generic Servers• Finite State Machines• Event Manager

Supervisor Behaviour

-module(byrne_sup).-behaviour(supervisor).-export([start_link/1, init/1]).

start_link(Args) -> supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, Args).

init(_Args) ->{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 10},

[{byrne, {byrne, start_link, []}, permanent, 2000, worker, [byrne]}]}}.

Generic Server Behaviour (abbreviated)


start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, self(), []).

handle_call(Function, _From, State) -> {reply, erlang:apply(rest, Function, []),, State + 1}.

handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}.

The Erlang Programming Language

ThanksDennis Byrne – DRW Trading
