The crUX of design - User Experience




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The (cr)UX of DesignBuilding


Components of Design• User

Experience Design(UX)• Interaction

Design (IxD)• Human-

Computer Interaction(HCI)

• Information Architecture (IA)• Usability

Research• User Interface

Design (UI)

So What is UX?

User Experience is the way a person FEELS about using a product, system,

or service.

It’s about….emotions.

Design + Psychology = User Experience

It’s not about what your product does, it’s about how your customer USES it. That is defined by their EXPERIENCE with it.

“Ah! so that’s why

they call it


What Are We Trying to Achieve?

Comfort Frustration

Familiarity Confusion

Revisit Mental Trashcan

A GREAT customer experience is driven by:

• Usefulness• Serves a purpose

• Usability• Easy to use

• Desirability• Is memorable

• Sustainability• Can scale

• Sociability• Can be shared

“As far as the customer is concerned, the interface is the product”

Jef Raskin, HCI Expert for Apple

Howza Bout Analogy?

Good UX

• Simple Register + Log In• Engaging Aesthetic• Friendly Typography• Image > Text• Consistency


“The secret to OmmWriter lies in its simplicity and apparent lack of functionality. It pays special attention to audio &

visual effects that contribute to the overall writing experience.”

Bad UX

• Hidden Calls-to-Action• Too Much Text• Inconsistent Color Schemes• Compressed Layout• Lack of Flow


Why Should I Care?

“Good Design is Good Business”

Thomas Watson, IBM (1950-ish)

Good User Experience Tells A Story……

A Visual Story….

The Story of Jess & Russ

Lean UX

The 10 Principles of Lean UX

1.) Design + Product Mgr + Dev = 1 Team– Startup Weekend, anyone?

2.) Ship. Do it Anyway. 3.) FLOW: Think ~ Make ~ Check4.) Consistency5.) Solve the Right Problem


The 10 Principles of Lean UX

6.) Outcome-Focused.7.) Generate Many Options.8.) Decide Quickly. Stay Flexible.9.) Recognize Hypotheses & Validate.

- www.LeanLaunchLab.com10.) Research With Users Is The Best Source Of Information (& Inspiration).

Usability Testing

UX Hypothesis Validation

Physical & Digital Testing

Do People Actually Like This Thing?

How Do I Test?

In-person interviews

Landing Pages



Sign Up Forms

Heat Maps

Rapid Prototyping

“Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.

Steve Jobs, 2005

Thanks a bunch!!
