The Benefits of Collaborating in a Real-Time Enterprise Social Network



This presentation shows how to use real-time enterprise social networks to communicate and collaborate on projects and with other teams. Social enterprise networks can turn a company into a community, where people feel connected despite geographic and functional divides

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@binebennett @LavaCon

The Benefits of Collaborating in a Real-Time Enterprise Social Network

Sabine Bennett

@binebennett @LavaCon

About the Speaker

• Writer for Documentation and User Assistance Team at

• Tech Writer, Journalist, Meteorologist

Setting the Stage

@binebennett @LavaCon

Collaboration Ideas Status Quo Why use a Social Enterprise Network (SEN)? We use Chatter How to implement your own SEN

Collaboration Ideas Status Quo Why use a Social Enterprise Network (SEN)? We use Chatter How to implement your own SEN


@binebennett @LavaConSource: IDC’s Social Business Survey, May 2011

Status Quo: Email

@binebennett @LavaCon

Pros: Ubiquitous Easy to use Secure?

Cons: No versioning Overwhelming Hard to manage

Pros: Ubiquitous Easy to use Secure?

Cons: No versioning Overwhelming Hard to manage

Do you control your inbox or does your inbox control you?

@binebennett @LavaCon

SENs to the Rescue

@binebennett @LavaCon

Connect People + Data

@binebennett @LavaCon

Find information Answer questions Share files Search across all data Team collaboration Connect with customers

Find information Answer questions Share files Search across all data Team collaboration Connect with customers

We Use Chatter!

@binebennett @LavaCon


@binebennett @LavaCon

Group Power

@binebennett @LavaCon

Ask or answer a question and reach many Public, private, and customer-facing groups No mass emails

Ask or answer a question and reach many Public, private, and customer-facing groups No mass emails

Share Data

@binebennett @LavaCon

File upload directly or via attachment to a post Different collaboration levels

File upload directly or via attachment to a post Different collaboration levels

A Day in the Life of …

@binebennett @LavaCon

New feature is documented! Yay! Now I need to get the draft reviewed…

Post to Group …

@binebennett @LavaCon

… Shows Up in Feed

@binebennett @LavaCon

Set File Sharing

@binebennett @LavaCon

Mention Others

@binebennett @LavaCon

Chatter Mobile

@binebennett @LavaCon

Chatter app for phones and tablets

How Did We Do It?

@binebennett @LavaCon

From the Top

@binebennett @LavaCon

Get executives on board

Lead by example

Get executives on board

Lead by example

“When we first introduced Chatter, the company reorganized itself in days. I learned more about my company in a few months than I had in the last three years.” (Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO)

Share Big Messages

@binebennett @LavaCon

Organizational changes IT announcements HR updates

Organizational changes IT announcements HR updates

Organize Company Events

@binebennett @LavaCon

Ignite Company Culture

@binebennett @LavaCon

Company parties Volunteer events Airing of grievances

Company parties Volunteer events Airing of grievances

Work = Fun!?!

@binebennett @LavaCon

Q & A

@binebennett @LavaCon
