Technology & communication




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Technology & Communication

History of Communication

Civilization grew in the beginning from the minute that we had communication.

- Thor Heyerdahl

1900-1920’s• Marconi sends first wireless transmission• First U.S. TV broadcast

1930’s-1950’s• Magnetic Tape• First Tape Recorder • First Satellite info sent to Earth

1960’s-1980’s• First communications satellite launched• Internet invented by U.S. Gov• First E-mail messages sent• First personal computer• First cell phones

1990’s-2000• Tim Berners-Lee creates World Wide Web• Marc Andreeson launches first Web

browser • AOL launched

Further Advancements

Further Advancements

Impact on Education

If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.

- John Dewey

Students•Access to information• Improves attitudes toward learning• Development of analytical skills• Collaborative work• Link students in the classroom and abroad

Educators•Improves learning environment•New innovation lessons • Increased student-teacher interaction•E-mail communication with parents

Impact on Business

Technology has streamlined projects and daily work. Email and other tools allows for constant and immediate contact. Allows people to work collaboratively and

communicate from anywhere at anytime. Cost effective video conferencing allows business partners to work together anywhere in the world. They can always be in

contact with one another while developing personal and professional relationships. Professional social networks like LinkedIn have emerged

My Life

•Email•Facebook•Twitter•Google+•Skype• iPhone• Text instead of Call

How We Communicate

• Increased traffic and SMS volume

• 400 million+ active users

• 6.3 hrs/month on Facebook

• 83% own a mobile device

• 1/3 – prefer text over voice call

• That figure is much BIGGER in 18-24 y/o

• Average 3,200 messages/month

• Online Communities

• More succinct

• Text slang

• Not personal

The Future

Expanded Wi-Fi and the non “Smartphone” will become obsolete. Further social media into mobile devices. Holograms, Implants, 3D

Telepresence, No touch screen, More Interaction


How do you see our communication technologies evolving in the future?

Will social media sites like Facebook and Twitter remain popular, or will they lose traction?
