Symantec Heartbleed Interactive Version 2 | RapidSSLOnline



In-depth interactive version on the explanation of Symantec Heartbleed Bug.

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THE HEARTBLEED BUGTHE HEARTBLEED BUGWhat is it and how do you really protect yourself?

Precautions You Can TakePrecautions You Can Take

Take all of the precautions listed aboveWatch out for phishing emails from attackers asking you to update your password

Monitor your bank and credit card accounts for unusual transactions

Use a free encrypted password manager such as free Norton ID Safe

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( Click here to learn how )

Advanced Protection

Watch for company notices to change your passwords, then do so immediately

Stick to reputable websites and servicesBe sure to use a complex password

Basic Protection

Be vigilant when online and avoid phony websites


The Heartbleed Bug allows cybercriminals to retrieve usernames, passwords, and personal information stored on a seemingly secure website. This bug

affects OpenSSL, an opensource software tool used for security.

Try These Helpful ResourcesTry These Helpful Resources Check of Major Websites

Wait until a website is secure before changing your password. Use the helpful resources below to check the sites you visit.