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Pilot Study

Cypriot pre-service teachers’ perceptions in using technology according their placement

year working experience


Purpose of the study:

To examine the perceptions of Cypriot pre-service teachers in using technology according their placement year working experience

Research Questions

This study will explore teachers’ perceptions in using technology according to: their experience with the use of computers (IT Skills) their interest to achieve personal or a community’s goals and standards (Personal interest) the professional support and equipment offered in order to promote the use of ICT


Sampling: 10 Cypriot full time postgraduate students at University of Manchester (8 females and 2 males / 22-25 years old)

Data Collection: semi-structured interviews

Data Analysis: synthesis of participants’ answers through qualitative methods

Ethical Issues

Permission of the participants, through the information sheet and consent form

Guarantee for privacy, anonymity and confidentiality

Data analysis: -reliability of the questions -validity of the issues which will

be measured

Participants will be informed in writing about the findings of the research

Data Analysis

Do you have any kind of experience with the use of computers (ICT)?

All interviewees answered in this question that they have experience in using computers, since they use it on daily basis

If yes, for what purposes do you use ICT mostly?

-Personal purposes (communicating with friends via email and other communicate tools and furthermore for surfing the Internet)

-Academic reasons

Did you gain any IT skills from that experience?

Our sample claimed to have gained a lot of skills through their use of ICT and especially from their personal use of computers from where they acquired more of their confidence and experience

If yes, can you mention those skills?

All the participants mentioned that they gain skills in using Microsoft Office and the Internet

Also some mentioned that they learned computer programming (Visual Basic, Pascal, Logo) and other educational software like Kidspiration and ModelsCreator

How confident do you feel with use of ICT?

-4 out of 10 interviewees mentioned that they feel confident in using ICT

-6 of them answered that they are not so confident in using it, especially with first known programs. However they believe that with the appropriate practice they will be able to use ICT to fulfil any personal, academic and professional needs

Do you feel that you will be able to use IT to the classroom environment?

-All participants stated that they feel confident enough to use ICT in the classroom environment

-2 out of 10 claimed that they can rely on their previous studies

-1 out of 10 noted that could manage to use ICT if knowledge is enhanced with additional training seminars

-1 participant doesn’t feel confident enough in using ICT in order to help efficiently in the teaching and learning process.

What do you believe about the integration of ICT in schools?

-All participants agreed on the importance of integrating ICT in the educational settings

-According to three participants the implementation of ICT can be very helpful to increase the effectiveness of the learning process if it is used in a proper way

-Two interviewees stated that there are changes to be done before the integration of ICT especially in the curriculum

-1 participant noted the need for seminars, preparation of the school staff

-1 participant referred to the lack of sufficient ICT resources

Do you believe in the benefits that the use of ICT can bring about in the field of education?

-All the educators asked, see positive outcomes by using ICT in their learning environment

-6 out of 10 take it as a necessity in teaching

-8 out of 10 believe that ICT can improve the quality

Are you interested in attending seminars or do extra work for their effective implementation?

All interviewees expressed interest in attending seminars. Specifically they mentioned that:

-“The attendance of seminar is very important and great opportunity for every teacher”

-“ICT doesn’t have any pedagogical power and cannot change a current situation in education without teachers’ training

If yes, in what extend do you think it helps, and in which ways?

-An overall faith in the potential of ICT is being witnessed from the answers of this question

-The majority of interviewees referred to the ability of ICT to help in

- making learning process more efficient

- gaining students’ attention and involve them actively in teaching and learning process

-the instruction of specific subjects that difficulty can be taught following only the traditional way and relate practice with theory

-the acquisition of skills that they will use in their workplace in the future

-exploring knowledge and learning, through a student-centred approach

Do you believe that the support given by the Cypriot government is satisfying?

-The great majority of the interviewees agreed on the fact that the support given by the Cypriot government is not adequate enough in order to support such an initiative

-Interviewees stated that there are a lot of things that need to be done, such as training teachers, buying more equipment, evaluating current educational policies and reviewing the national curriculum



Even if pre-service teachers use ICT in a daily base they don’t feel very confident with the use of ICT in the classroom settings

Need for more practice in order to gain competence and confidence with ICT

Thank you…
