Stupid Clickbank Method That Makes Big $$$


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Clickbank launch jacking.

What is it? Well it's exactly what it sounds like.

You're going to rank for somebody's product before it launches and "jack" their launch. I actually don't like the term "jacking" or "jack" because it makes it sounds like we're doing something wrong. But trust me the product creators love and encourage us doing this. (As long as you're not giving their product shit which is frowned upon.. I mean unless it's a complete scam)

So what I like to do is go look for Clickbank products that are about to be released using a few websites that people use to announce their launches (You'll find them listed below)

I'll find ones that I think are good and will sell really well. You're going to want one that you think a lot of people are going to be interested in because if nobody is interested in it well nobody is going to Google it and you're not going to make any sales. (I stick to business/internet marketing niches)

The reason we want products that aren't released yet is because nobody else is doing SEO for these terms yet which means... You'll get #1 EASY I mean that's what it's all about minimal work and major returns.

Then you'll want to build either a page or website around the product.

You'll be targeting two keywords that should look like this "product name" and of course "product name review" I'll show you an example below

Don't be scared to contact product creators and ask them for a review copy or anything can help you. A review copy will help you weed out the crap and see if it's something you truly want to promote. 99% of the time they'll be happy having you promoting their product and will help in any way they can

Here is a list of websites you can use to find upcoming Clickbank Launches :

• hxxp://• hxxp://• hxxp://• hxxp://• hxxp://

My Live ExampleSo for my example I'm going to be using a page you can find here on our website which is : hxxp://

It's a short inspirational E book written by two successful young entrepreneurs and it's just titled "Far From It"So of course the keywords I'm targeting are "Far From It" and "Far From It Review"

I did use a page on my website instead of grabbing an exact match domain because I feel this is always the safer route. However if I were to get an EMD though it would look something like this 

So first off comes the on page SEOOn Page SEO

Meta TagsAlright so I set the Meta Title to “Far From It Review” even though the keyword I’m targeting is “Far From It” I did this just because it’s got Far From It in it still and I thought it would look extremely fishy if I used only Far From It and then I included my brand name in the title as well so it looked like this “Far From It Review – Money Mindset”Now for the meta description I just put a nice little description in there and included the words “far from it” twice within the description.

I like to include my main keyword twice ALWAYS in the meta description now I could have also done “far from it” once and “far from it review” once that would have worked as well.

So in short

• “Far From It Review” Meta Title + My Brand Name (Money Mindset)• “Far From It” twice in the meta description

Alt TagsI included two images on the page both of which I utilized the Alt Tags. This is an SEO must so hope all you aspiring internet marketers are using it. For the image at the top of the page the Alt Tag I used was “Far From It” and the one I used towards the bottom of the page was “Far From It Review”

• Two images both with alt tags, one read “Far From It” the other “Far From It Review”

Keyword DensityIn the article you shouldn’t focus on keyword density AT ALL. In my example I wrote the article…..

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