Social network enterprises - Techno Global



Social Network Enterprises will grant you with the ability of connecting people (employees, partners, providers, friends and more) who have the same interests. In this way you can organize and share information and promote activities.

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Social Enterprise Networks

Social Enterprise Networks

At the same time, many of the problems cited above will probably be detected by your staff who would like to propose solutions. However, due to the work pace, they can't transmit their thoughts properly and accurately, avoiding enterprise improvement opportunities.

Nowadays, many difficulties that enterprises go through are because of the lack of coordination between areas, file transfer delay, inaccuratesupervision of results and the absence of employee participation in enterprise related activities.

When detecting these difficulties the enterprises choose

to invest into hiring more personnel in order to

control the rest of the staff, also create propaganda to motivate employees or even impose sanctions

with the purpose of motivating their people to be more involved in

company activities.

However there is a more economic and effective solution besides solving the problems that arouse in the enterprise dynamics generates a better connection within the personnel while enforces the relation between their members under the same symbol: your brand. We are talking of Social Enterprise Networks.

With SEN there is also the possibility to link people from usual corporative activitiesSomo of them are: strategic partners, consultants,third party manufacturers, and many others.

A quicker way of working with them will generate you immediate savings in communication expenditures. Collaboration involves direct online messaging, file transfer, online polls and also an improvement

in the organization of marketing events.

Also, the enterprise realizes there is a necessity to include clients in some of its actions, with the purpose of managing

a specific series of activities with them. For example,social campaigns, feedbacks, brand enhancement,

personal opinions, and many others. In every of thesecases a social network is the shortest line between necessity

for information and good results.

100% Collaboration and Functionality

Techno Global offers the implementation of a Social Enterprise Network that will provide you with new limitless opportunities in every aspect regardless of whether you have a small business or a giant corporation.

Imagine the potential your business will acquire when providing this tool to your employees in order they work together for the achievement of specific objectives, enjoying a real time communication wherever they are, through the use of mobile technology with GPS.

Also, you can add providers and any other contacts to your network, in order to share or ask for information.

Not only that. Remember that a Social Enterprise Network also grants you the possibility of contacting your clients to which you can send information not only related to products or services but also to monitor their numerous activities like supervising the information they received, keep an eye on their interests, receive their opinions, send them polls, etc.

In other words you will literally watch how your clients and employees grow together with your organization.

In this sense to collaborate with others

is to pursuit the completion of a task

which is the principal purpose of a Social Enterprise Network.

Futhermore, remember thata Social Enterprise Network

has no limits,it expands accordingmore users join to it

In other wordsYou are going to watch,

literally, how youremployees and clientsincrease together with

your organization.

Bene�ts of a Social Enterprise NetworkBetween many of the benefits that a Social Enterprise Network can provide are:

Dialogue in real time between all your employees

Sending and receiving files (photos, documents, videos, notes)

Welcome questions, comments and suggestions

Sending invitations and reminders to events and other activities

Advertising campaings

An interactive platform of branding enhancement

The capability of developing pools. Also be able to monitor the results

Tools to measure the users preferences

Enforcement of the different publics in your organization

Capability to create social apps to the RSC

Techno Global makes it possible

The implementation of the infrastructure for the SEN

Audience generation

Content production

A secure system

Constant support and maintenance

Personal training

The implementation of the SEN branding

Furthermore, during our work we have formed numerous alliances. Some of our partners are: Amazon, Universal Studios Orlando, Symantec, Wortix Healthcare, Inmnuno Labs, Pivotal, Epiphany, and more.

Techno Global enables a Social Enterprise Network without installing any kind of software or hardware because all of our doings reside in CLOUD technology. In order to use our services you only require an Internet connection and a computer, laptop or mobile device. Our work also contemplates the SEN customization to satisfy your requirements. Moreover, we develop apps to the SENs and give you the all the required support to help you to achieve your needs.

Our twenty years of experience allow us to give you the warranty of a service that provides excellent results. As a glance of our Social Enterprise Network services we guarantee you:

Techno Global implements a Social Enterprise Network through the Amazon WEB Service AWS (Cloud Service). We develop an architecture specifically design to each client where we can enable an instance in servers in a matter of minutes.

This structure is much more flexible and powerful than using a dedicated hosting or a virtual server. When configured adequately the AWS offers services of self-configuration resources (increase – decrease), based in the required use. This means a quicker load and response; a highly appreciated characteristic recognized by all its users.

How to make it posible?

Amazon WEB

We also program one or more EC2s, Elastic Complute Cloud, (Win/Linux). We migrate the data to RDS (Remote Data Services) My SQL or Dynamo DB. Likewise, we establish ELB (Elastic Load Balancing); S3 for storage, CDN (Content Delivery Network), SES for e-mails, SQS and SNS for back-end transaction brokers. We also make use of Cloudwatch, Cloudsearch and other services.

Jorge Canal (Techno Global CEO)Questions and Answers

What advantages arouse from using a Social Enterprise Network?

There are many advantages. Since the use of SEN for making simple marketing campaigns that might last a week, to going through fomenting and reinforcing the branding in a huge organization. You canconvoke and monitor activities where all the members of an institution are involved. All in real time withinformation about preferences, shopping sites, services, time of events and Geo-location, making the organization capable of changing the direction of campaigns or to increase or decrease personnel for a specific reason.

How Techno Global develops the process to set up a Social Enterprise Network?

The first part of the process is setting up the objectives. Here we will check what the organization needs, highlighting the actions to follow. After, we go through an analysis section and estimations to start withthe project development. Here we establish tens of tasks to our human resources that will begin to workon each of them.

Also, we are always in contact with the client because he is the one who gives us elements such as access levels, content and branding, and other items that will be equipped in the SEN. After that processwe prepare ourselves for a section of UAT (usability) and once we have the beta version we tested together with the client (who uses it together with his staff). At the end the client gives his approval. Then, with the obtained information, we proceed to realize the deployment.

The implementation made by Techno Global features Geolocation?

According to the client objectives a SEN has the ability to gather many people rather these be employees,clients, partners, providers or any other. However, in many cases it is required to found them in real time. In these cases the mobile technology is our ally.

Techno Global has implemented a process of Geo-communication in order

the users are able to register their location in a map where the client

not only can found them but also keep contact with them through

microblogging, a feature which will be shown in the map.

This technology holds great utility when a client has the

necessity to execute plans of moving or transporting

resources, e.g.: mobile units, delivery trucks or sales

personnel. Furthermore, users can record from the

site of events while that information is being

processed by the central in order to be stored in

the cloud and later be loaded in the SEN.

Techno Global makes all this resource deployment for

the client satisfaction only in that way his objectives can

be accomplished. By the contrary, if any entrepreneur

cannot wield this capability he will have to divide his tasks in

stage and, in time to time, turning them into historical reports

which make his work slower and unpractical.

By the contrary, if any entrepreneur cannot wield this capability he will

have to divide his tasks in stages, in time to time, turning them into historical

reports which make his work slower and unpractical.

How many personnel from the client side must be dedicated to the developing of a SEN?

Yes. Usually the ERP are friendly to WEB service interfaces and many of them have an API we can use.

Hence, we develop this integration in two different ways: The first is by establishing a direct connection between both directions, reading the data fromthe two systems while properly updating them in a secure way. The second way is by feeding a service queue in the CLOUD where the notifications will be send. This will be processed through a broker that will update both systems using notification and updating services.

These dynamic can be achieved in diverse areas like: marketing, finances, sales, logistics and many others.

Can this Social Enterprise adjust and work together with my ERP?

In this regard, an enterprise’s TI area can give us its AWS account. Now, if they don’t have one, we can create it. In some cases, for security related reasons, and if the client requires us to work with some special structure, we do need the collaboration of his TI area, but usually this is not required.

Red Social Corporativa

The number of resources dedicated to the creation of a SEN depends on the number of workers that are going to manage it.

Usually it turns to be only one person (the marketing manager). However if more personnel make any specific use of this network then it will be required their particular attendance.

At the same time the client must remember that our service does not include, at all, the use of the TI personnel because we do not use enterprise resources to do our work.

The time to development of a Social Enterprise Network is directly related with its complexity and the level of personalization that the client demands. This means that we can start from very simple implementationsthat could last a couple of weeks, or go through others, highly complex, that could last moths. In this regard, the Techno Global team will give you the proper assessment to exploit every potentiality from our offer and, at the same time, we will calculate the development time.

Techno Global, through the implementation of Social Enterprise Network, will provide you a fresh, direct andfriendly way to interact with your personnel and clients.

How long will take the implementation of a SEN in my company?

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