Social media project briefing 25.03.11 TEST




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  • 1. Social Media and the FSAI ....the story so far 25th March 2011 FSAI

2. How do people in Ireland use social media? FSAI 3. Social Media Policy Objectives 1. To reach a wider audience 2. To interact with and seek input from stakeholders3. Be proactive 4. Improve customer service5. Build a greater online profile 6. Build a community around food safety FSAI 4. Objective no. 1 To reach a wider audience.through social media FSAI 5. Social media: Just another way of getting in contact with us . Communication channels available: Advice line Media Email Exhibitions Publications Seminars Website YouTube facebook FSAI 6. Objective no.2 To interact with and seek input from stakeholders FSAI 7. Why? Facebook has 500 million active users in the world 1.83 million users are Irish More than 20 million people become fans of pages each day Almost 85% of the Irish online population are now using Facebook regularly FSAI 8. Facebook Demographics Ireland 25+ segment is the fastest growing segment of the Irish audience 56% of IRISH facebook users are female 44% male 33% of users are in the 25-34 age group 33%, 29% and 25% groups are our target audience i.e. food business owners, students studying food science, culinary arts etc. FSAI 9. Whos looking at the FSAI facebook page specifically? Statistics taken from FSAI facebook page 13.03.11Statistics taken from FSAI facebook page 13.03.11 Most of the FSAI facebook page users are from the 25-34 and 35-44 age groups. This is good news for us! Not targeting 13-17 year olds FSAI 10. FSAI facebook page/wall 13.03.11 FSAI 11. 404...Statistics taken from FSAI facebook page 13.03.11... the total number of people who have liked our page since we set it up on 12.05.10 From that figure: 373 of those use facebook in general on a monthly basis 256 of those use facebook in general on a weekly basis Out of 404: 317 people from /living in Ireland like our page 257 Dublin 12 Cork 11 Mullingar 37 users have chosen not specify which county theyre from. FSAI 12. Rest of the world... Statistics taken from FSAI facebook page 13.03.11 FSAI 13. Objective no. 3 Be proactive FSAI 14. Pictures... Adding pictures to your facebook posting draws attention. Users generally have lots of posts appear on their own wall everyday. Using an interesting picture means youve got some chance of them clicking on your post. FSAI 15. The social media team... PJ Patrick G Elaine Jane Clodagh Helen Edel Miriam Judith OC Noeleen EmmaTeam members from various divisions Regular brainstorming sessionsEach member brings something valuable to the table FSAI 16. Ideas for facebook and You Tube, where do they come from? Competitions Whats current Interviews with staff members Food alerts Allergen alerts Enforcement orders FAQ Friday FSAI 17. Ask questions..... FAQ taken from our website FSAI 18. ......and youll get some answers FSAI 19. The following day we answer the question.....Direct them to our website- often a lot of information to give With Twitter youre only allowed to use 140 characters FSAI 20. Who uses it? FSAI 21. Twitter... Too fast paced- up to the minute updatesWe are trying to create a relationship with our stakeholders through social media and youd never build a good marriage through textingFor us facebook is like a marriage, you are in it for the long haul whereas with twitter its like a teenage summer romance, full on for the summer and forgotten about in SeptemberWe will use Twitter if we find ourselves in a similar situation to the dioxin crisis in 2008 or another big outbreakTwitter was invaluable to Irish Rail commuters during the cold snap FSAI 22. However, we are being talked about on Twitter.A compliment from one of our advice line callers FSAI 23. Objective no. 4 Improve customer service FSAI 24. Discussion Boards Result of feedback received FSAI 25. Objective no. 5 Build a greater online profile FSAI 26. fsaiTV FSAI 27. Objective no.6 Build a community around food safetyThis is just the beginning..... FSAI 28. Remember You dont have to be on the social media team to contribute. So if youve got an idea, wed love to hear it! FSAI 29. Thank you FSAI 30. FSAI
