Social Media


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Definition: Social Media The term social media

describes media that is posed by the user and can take many different forms. Some types of social media are forums, message boards, blogs, wikis and podcasts. Social media applications include Google, Facebook and YouTube.

Social Media is generally regarded as the product of the internet and its Technological progression through out time.

(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) (long winded)…

Developed packets switching - a.k.a the ideas which led to the internet.

Developed a system a research tool however 75% of its usage was used for e-mails.

The ideas within the Arpanet system contains almost everything of what the internet is TODAY!!

1979… “Visicalc” Produced the 1st office application (spreadsheeet) This turned the ‘Apple II’ into a serious busines tool.

1981... “IBM” created the 1st PC.

1993… Mosaic Web Browser This is the application which made the web accessible to the public.

Media is traditionally broadcast to the consumer in an unchangeable form for For example:

• Gives the users an opportunity to interact through the medium at a time which is suitable for them.

•Social media also includes UGC (User Generated Content) which allows the users to include their own ideas and thoughts into the media.

•Thus the media is crafted by the users rather than the administrators which is the result from interactivity.

Various forms of Social Media can beShown by these following examples

Social Networking Websites

DEFINITION - A term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end

users.  It refers to a supposed second-generation of Internet-based services—such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration

and sharing among users

Web 2.0 is an evolution of the world wide web capabilities.

Could also be known as an update. Refers to change in the internets use from

its initial creation up to its current interactive state.

Referencing :

Wikipedia (obviously)
