Social Bar - Open Data



Presentation I did at Social Bar at the 4th of November in Berlin. It's a 10 minute talk about open government data for people who are not familiar with the topic.

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“Shaking the vending


by Edial Dekker

my name is Edial,and I am a co-founder of

Governments work as vending machines:

we put in taxes

-hospitals-roads-police protection-traffic lights-etc.

> >

When something is wrong, we protest, vote for someone else or let ourselves heard in a different way.

That’s good, but there is also an option to actually change things.

The way we organize information is rapidly changing.

The way we organize information is rapidly changing.

Websites become platforms.Transparency invokes interactivity.Consumers become prosumers.There is more data in the world than EVER.

The way we organize information is rapidly changing.

Websites become platforms.Transparency invokes interactivity.Consumers become prosumers.There is more data in the world than EVER.

This leads to GREAT opportunities for governments... but,

Most government websites suck.

Bad user interface design.

Inaccurate information.

Slow, bad design & too ‘closed’.

Bad user interface design.

Inaccurate information.

Slow, bad design & too ‘closed’.

And a lot of other things that makes us cry.

So what does this has to do with ‘Web 2.0’?

It’s our data we are talking about, we paid the taxes for it.

post codes


road constructions

environmental data


opening hourspress releases


population data


garbage pick-up times

Opening up data can lead to many innovations (the ones we use every day).

But a lot of data is controlled, trapped inside closed formatsor missing.

‘Open-Data’ means the data is:

-the Sunlight Foundation

1. Complete All public data is made available. Public data is data that is not subject to valid privacy, security or privilege limitations.

2. Primary Data is as collected at the source, with the highest possible level of granularity, not in aggregate or modified forms.

3. Timely Data is made available as quickly as necessary to preserve the value of the data.

4. Accessible Data is available to the widest range of users for the widest range of purposes.

5. Machine processable Data is reasonably structured to allow automated processing.

6. Non-discriminatory Data is available to anyone, with no requirement of registration.

7. Non-proprietary Data is available in a format over which no entity has exclusive control.

8. License-free Data is not subject to any copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret regulation. Reasonable privacy, security and privilege restrictions may be allowed.

Open-Data also means that we can improve existing things or create stuff.

Make data visualizationsStamens’ crimespotting Map’

make Augmented Reality with ‘Layar’Government spendings from data from’ and ‘Layar’ by The Sunlight Foundation.

Build a BCC DIY BetaBirmingham City Council platform (£2.8 million)

Why did these people spend time doing this?

Why did these people spend time doing this?

Because they’re better at organizing information than a government will ever be (or should be).

It’s up the our community to respond, with our ideas, with our voices, with our creativity and our code. -Tim O’Reilly


you can drop me a line at

or follow me on twitter:@edial
