Smart Open Data Kickoff - Madrid - Linked



Kick-off meeting in Madrid, on December 2013. Our pilot is related to water monitoring: for reference

Citation previewì 7 gennaio 14

Founded in 2012

martedì 7 gennaio 14


Make open and private data easy to (re)use

for SMEs, developers, consultants, professionals

martedì 7 gennaio 14

-We aggregate data from several sources (open and private)

-We clean, harmonize, enrich and link it

-We make it available to developers via easy to use REST APIs

martedì 7 gennaio 14

open data private data user generated datasolutionì 7 gennaio 14


Dandelion’s knowledge graph

USERS (developers)

SQL-like REST API (hides the graph) Semantic Text Analysis APIs

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martedì 7 gennaio 14

(not so) easy to use !

+ -I work on Semantic Web since 2003 I’m certainly not that smart

I transformed, modelled, published hundreds of datasets in many domains It’s late night

I wrote some SW tools myself

We maintain the Italian DBpedia

still...martedì 7 gennaio 14

It took me half an hour to write a query on DBpedia!!!

Italian architects born in village on the mountains (>600 ) between 1400 and 1500

PREFIX dbo: <>select distinct ?person, ?name, ?birth, ?att, ?place where {?person dbo:birthPlace ?place.?person <> ?birth .?person foaf:name ?name .?person <à> "architetto"@it .?person <à> ?att .?place ?population ?pop.?place dbo:elevation ?ele.

FILTER (?birth < "1900-01-01"^^xsd:date) .Filter (?population in (<>,<> )) .Filter (xsd:int(?ele) >600 ) .FILTER (?birth > "1400-01-01"^^xsd:date) .FILTER (?birth < "1500-01-01"^^xsd:date) .}

martedì 7 gennaio 14

not so simple...

martedì 7 gennaio 14

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication““

Leonardo Da Vinci

martedì 7 gennaio 14

WP3Data harmonization

WP5Italian Pilot with ARPA Sicilia

Support to WP2 (arch.), 6 (eval.), 7 (exp.)martedì 7 gennaio 14

WP3T3.2 Data harmonization, initial iteration (M9)- Input from T3.2 (W3C): SmartOpenData schema- Data samples & schemas from pilots- Mapping based on OpenRefine

T3.5 Data harmonization, final iteration (M18? M9!)- Input from T3.4 (W3C): SmartOpenData schema v2- Feedback from pilots- Focus on scaling OpenRefine mappings

Main risks: essential input activities running in parallel; not getting data samples & schemas in time

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Italian Pilot

- Deploy white-label data market- ETL processes- User engagement & hackaton

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martedì 7 gennaio 14