Simple Fuzzy Name Matching in Solr: Presented by Chris Mack, Basis Technology


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Simple Fuzzy Name Matching in Solr Chris Mack

Director Customer Engineering Basis Technology


02Why Match Names?

Just a Name….


1.  Security 2.  Fraud 3.  Commerce


01Quick survey: How many of you...

•  Regularly develop Solr applications? •  Develop Solr applications that include names of… ...People? ...Places? ...Products? ...Organizations? •  Have names in languages beside English?


03What Makes Name Matching Hard?


01Name Variety


01Name Variety


01Name Ambiguity


01How Would You Solve It?


01Best Practice: field per variation type?


01Idea: Create a Custom Solr Field

•  Contribute score that reflects phenomena. •  Be part of queries using many field types. •  Have multiple fields per document. •  Have multiple values per field.


01But what if variations co-occur?

“Jesus Alfonso Lopez Diaz” v.

“LobezDias, Chuy” 1) Reordered. 2) Nickname for first name. 3) Missing 2nd Name. 4) Two spelling differences. 5) Missing space.


01Can We Do Better?

•  Incorporate our proprietary name matching •  Provide similarity scores to name pairs •  Use Solr’s Rerank feature •  Allows for higher precision ranking and tresholding •  Provides multi-lingual name search


01Simple to Configure

•  Plugin contains custom field type which does all the work behind the scenes

•  Simple addition to schema.xml to include new field type

<fieldType name="rni_name" class="com.basistech.rni.solr.NameField"/> <field name="name" type="rni_name" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/> <field name="aka" type="rni_name" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>


01Plug-in Implementation


01What happens at query time?

•  Step #1: NameField generates analogous keys for a custom Lucene query that finds good candidates for re-ranking

public Query getFieldQuery(QParser parser, SchemaField field, String val) { Name name = parseNameString(externalVal, parser.getParams()); QuerySpec querySpec = buildQuery(name); return querySpec.accept(new SolrQueryVisitor(field.getName())); }


01What else happens at query time?

•  Step #2: Uses Solr’s Rerank feature to rescore names in top documents and reorder accordingly

- Tuned for high precision - Simple addition to solrconfig.xml

<queryParser name="rniRerank" class="com.basistech.rni.solr.RNIReRankQParserPlugin"/> <valueSourceParser name="rniMatch” class="com.basistech.rni.solr.NameMatchValueSourceParser"/>


01Plug-in Implementation


01Ability to Tradeoff Accuracy vs. Speed

•  reRankScoreThreshold - Score threshold top doc must meet to be rescored.

•  reRankDocs - Controls how many of the top documents to rescore


01Summary: How it works

•  Custom field type - Splits a single field into multiple fields covering different phenomena - Supports multiple name fields in a document as well as multivalued fields - Intercepts the query to inject a custom Lucene query

•  Custom rerank function - Rescores documents with algorithm specific to name matching - Limits intense calculations to only top candidates - Highly configurable


01Suggested Questions:

•  What is names are in unstructured text? •  What if the names are in other text fields? •  How did you implement multi-valued fields? •  How does it scale? •  How do you handle names not in English? •  How does this relate to the theme of Entity-Centric

Search? •  How do plug-in’s scores relate to Solr scores? •  How can I learn more?

Simple Fuzzy Name Matching in Solr Chris Mack

Director Customer Engineering Basis Technology