Shradha Agarwal: Project Aliens



Do aliens exist?

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Shradha AgarwalVIII - B

ScienceDo Aliens exist???

Do Aliens Exist???

What is Extraterrestrial


Water world, abound our Solar


Crop Circles

U. F. O.s (Unidentified Flying Object)

Stephen Hawking too believes in ALIEN life!!!

9 Exo – Planets that could host Alien life -Gliese 581gGliese 667CcKepler-22bHD 40307gHD 85512bTau Ceti eGliese 163cGliese 581dTau Ceti f

Moon Landing and Alien rumors

Aliens in Movies

God only knows till date, Aliens exist or not, science has still no proof, but very soon the time will come when our near and dear ones would hail from the Mars, Venus or Jupiter or so, … we would have our homes there and will go for a joy trip to our favorite Alien friends’ on Moon or so …

- Thank You!