Scala the language matters


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SCALA TRAININGthe language matters



• Function

• Implicit

• Monad

• Actor

Language features - functions

• high order function


Language - Implicit

• implicit convention

Language - Implicit

val personJson = """{ "name": "Jason" }”""

val r1 = httpClient(Request( GET, new URI(""), Map(), None))

val r2 = httpClient(Request( POST, new URI(""), Map(), Some(personJson)))

val id = r2.headers(“X-Person-Id").head

val r3 = httpClient(Request( GET, new URI("" + id), Map(), None))

val r4 = httpClient(Request( GET, new URI(""), Map(), None))

val r5 = httpClient(Request( DELETE, new URI("" + id), Map(), None))

Language - Implicit

using(_ url "") { implicit rb =>

GET / "person" asserting (StatusCode === Status.OK, BodyAsPersonList === EmptyList)

val id = POST / "person" body personJson

asserting (StatusCode === Status.Created) returning (header(“X-Person-Id"))

GET / "person" / id asserting (StatusCode === Status.OK, BodyAsPerson === Jason)

GET / "person" asserting (StatusCode === Status.OK, BodyAsPersonList === Seq(Jason))

DELETE / "person" / id asserting (StatusCode === Status.OK)

GET / "person" asserting (StatusCode === Status.OK, BodyAsPersonList === EmptyList)


Language Feature - Monad

sealed abstract class Try[+T] case class Success[+T](value: T) case class Failure[+T](exception: Throwable)

case abstract class Option[T] case class Some[T] case object None extends Option[Nothing] {//…}

Language Feature - Monad

//in User def findById(id: Long):Try[User] = { //Success(user) or Failure(e) }

//in Post def findByUser(user: User):Try[List[Post]] = { //Success(posts)or Failure(e) }

val posts: Try[List[Post]] = User.findById(userId).map { user => Post.findByUser(user) }

posts match { case Success(p) => render(p) case Failure(e) => error(e) }

Language features - Monad

import Math.abs

type Birds = Int type Pole = (Birds, Birds)

def landLeft(n: Int, p: Pole):Option[Pole] = p match { case (left, right) if abs(left + n - right) < 4 => Some(left + n, right) case _ => None }

def landRight(n: Int, p: Pole) = p match { case (left, right) if abs(left - n - right) < 4 => Some(left , right + n) case _ => None }

val result = landLeft(1, (0, 0)). flatMap{ landLeft(2,_:Pole) }. flatMap{ landRight(5, _:Pole) }



Language Features - Actor

• a small compute unit, including:

• behaviour

• state

• messaging

Language Features - Actor

• rules of when a actor received a message:

• create a new actor

• send message to a new actor

• define behaviour when next message arrived

• the most important feature

• a actor is always thread safe

• concurrent is multiple actor’s behaviour

Language Features - Actor

class MyActor extends Actor { def receive = { case MsgType1 => //do something case MsgType2 => //do something else } }

val actorRef = system.actorOf[Props[MyActor]] actorRef ! MsgType1







