SAP PM: Test Equipment Management/Calibration process


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1. Purpose: This document highlights the Calibration process for Test Equipments in SAP PM.

2. Inclusions in this document: Primarily to highlight the Data objects, Process flow with key emphasis on additional process steps to be performed in Test Equipment Management (Calibration as known in SAP). Test Equipment Management is a PM – QM integration functionality provided in SAP Quality Management module. As QM module is currently not in use within Iluka, this document would stress on aspects of QM which are relevant to the process and would be new to MPA process scope.

3. Exclusions from this document: This document does not get into details of maintenance order processing to a great depth as it is understood that users are adept in the process. Integration points are however detailed wherever relevant.

4. Terminologies and Process:

Master Inspection Characteristics (MIC): Master Inspection Characteristics signifies the characteristics of a material/Test Equipment which will be observed during Inspection and the value of the same Test recorded. For example: In this document we have considered the Test Equipment as a Pressure Gauge whose key Inspection characteristic (MIC) would be Pressure reading (would include Lower Reading, Upper Reading, Mean Reading if relevant).Master Inspection Characteristics for Test Equipment management should preferably be maintained as master data in SAP to facilitate accurate and seamless Calibration Management process.

Inspection type: Inspection type is a term introduced from QM module. It simply refers to the source of Inspection. For example: If the source of Quality inspection is Goods receipt, Inspection type is 01, if it is Production receipt it is 04, for Test Equipment Calibration work it is 14 and so on. For Calibration (Test Equipment Management) scenario, inspection type 14 should be used, as demonstrated in this document.

Inspection point: Inspection points are used to identify objects under inspection. For example – Inspection point to identify samples, Inspection point to identify Maintenance objects, freely defined Inspection points and so on.

Inspection point 300 is used to identify Equipments for Calibration in Standard SAP system. A configuration snapshot below:

Inspection Lot: Inspection Lots are generated on a sample based on a specific trigger or manually. In calibration work, Inspection Lot on a Test Equipment (using Fixed sample of quantity 1) would be created when a Calibration work order is released. Inspection Lot No 14xxxxxxxx.. will be generated with Inspection type as 14.

Result Recording & Usage decision: Result recording is carried out on the Inspection Lot generated. During result recording, the value of the MIC as observed during Calibration/Inspection is recorded in the system.Result recording is followed by Valuation of sample and Usage decision on the sample.

In Calibration work, as detailed later in the document, if the Test Equipment is found to be unfit for use, i.e. its MIC readings are not as per standard or not within prescribed tolerances, based on the Usage decision, the Equipment can be deactivated <or> Frequency of Maintenance plan increased <or> Notification can be generated.

5. Steps in Calibration – Test Equipment Management

a. Master data – Equipment master should be created/must exist

It is better to have a separate category for Test Equipments. So have created a category “T” for Test equipments in Sandbox and done necessary settings for the same. However, continuing with current Equipment categories will also allow the process to run.

Transaction code: IE01 (Create)/IE02 (Change)/IE03 (Display)

Equipment created with the number 3XXXXXXX

b. Creation of Class/Characteristics in system (On time creation master data)

Transaction code: Create Class – CL01, Create characteristics – CT04

Class Type = 005

Created a common Class for MICs and Characteristics PRESSUREMEAS for Electronic pressure transmitter assuming it transmits signals in range of 4-20 milli ampere and calibrated in that range

c. Creation of Master Inspection Characteristics

Transaction code: QS21 (Create)/ QS23 (Change)/ QS34 (Display)

Enter the Plant, Validity start date and reference characteristics (have used PRESSUREMEAS as reference characteristics)

Control Indicators are critical while creating MICs and a Sampling procedure (based on Fixed sampling with sample size 1 assigned). Catalogs can also be assigned

Characteristic 0010 10000000 01.01.2010 was created

d. Create Equipment Task List with Inspection point 300 and with assigned MIC’s againat operation

Transaction code: IA01 (Create)/ IA02 (Change)/ IA03 (Change)

Please note that to classify a Task List as a Calibration Task List for Equipment, Inspection point 300 is selected under Task List -> Header -> QM Data

In Operation screen, enter the Operation details and assign MIC or MIC’s to operation. A sampling procedure TESTEQPT (as created in QM) also assigned at MIC level

Save the Task List

e. Create a Maintenance Plan for scheduling Calibration work (usually calibration work is recommended as a Periodically Planned work)

Transaction code: IP01

Here as an example a Strategy based plan using Task List created above has been used

A Maintenance plan category CL has been added for Calibration Sandbox

Also a PM Order type CALB has been fully configured for Calibration work and should be used in Calibration plans

Maintenance plan 11511 created

f. Maintenance Plan is scheduled to generate a Calibration Order

Transaction code: IP10/IP30

Calibration Maintenance order is generated post scheduling

g. Plan and release the Calibration order

Transaction code: IW32

Plan Labour hours, Plan material components, Plan services in Order if and as relevant and release the order

Result – Order would be released for further processing and Inspection Lot would be generated for Calibration recording.

Order will get the system status REL ILAS NMAT PRC SETC

ILAS means Inspection lot assigned

h. Carry out calibration task, and process the Calibration order

This is as per current standard process and hence niot been detailed further

Labour hours (internal) are booked to order, Materials if any are Issued (Stock material)/GR (Non stock material), Service entries (in case of external service) are recorded against the Calibration order

i. Result Recording/Valuation and confirming Usage Decision

Transaction code: QA32

In selection screen, select Inspection Lot origin as 14. You can enter other selection criteria as Plant, period etc.

Execute the report

Select the Inspection Lot and click on Results for result recording

Enter Inspection result. Let us suppose it fails to meet the Calibration Limits --> select the Reject check box. Valuation will be marked with a Red cross.

Defects can also be recorded based on Catalog and Textual Descriptions

A subsequent Notification can be created for same as wellSave the Result Recording and Click on Tab Usage Decision in QA32 Report Output screen

Usage decision would decide the action on Equipment – i.e whether it would be kept as usable or would it be deactivated from active usage etc.

Enter usage decision and save the Inspection Lot. The Inspection Lot will be removed from QA32 Report output list of Inspection Lots without UD – it will not show in List

On saving the Usage decision, the PM data would be updated and PM Calibration Work Order would be automatically assigned TECO status.

These are known as Follow up actions triggered and can be controlled through relevant system configuration.
