Sabien M2G Client Endorsements & Case Studies


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Customer Endorsements

Institution of Mechanical Engineers We initially asked Sabien to pilot the M2Gs and demonstrate the savings that would be achieved and, following the success of the trial, the units are now playing an important role in minimising our energy consumption. We were also very pleased with the support we received from Sabien, which ensured that the project ran smoothly,” Brian Robinson, Head of Energy

AEA Technology AEA were commissioned to monitor and verify an in-situ pilot of Sabien technology‟s M2G boiler load optimiser. The pilot was conducted across 3 sites occupied by BT over a period of 4 months. AEA reviewed the installation of the M2Gs, monitored the pilot process, visited the sites for data collection and carried out independent analysis of the collated data and verified the savings. Based on the results of the pilot AEA recommended a business case to be made for a large scale order of M2G as it was clear from the pilot substantial cost and carbon savings could be achieved.

AVIVA AVIVA has a well established CSR Policy, and is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. As part of this, Norwich Union sets targets each year to reduce its carbon footprint. The reductions achieved by M2G in a wide range of organisations were impressive and we wanted to confirm these ourselves with a pilot scheme managed by Sabien at a number of our sites. Sabien were open and easy to work with, and together with the impressive savings achieved made a strong case to adopt M2G across the Norwich Union estate” Gregory Luxford, Energy & Utilities Manager

Royal Bank of Scotland “M2G is a key component in the group‟s energy efficiency strategy and the installation of M2G units throughout our UK fleet of buildings played a major role in helping the bank deliver on its commitment to reducing its energy consumption and harmful carbon emissions. Sabien and M2G delivered” Graham Jennings , Group Energy Manager

Communities and Local Government “Now that we have validated data following the success of the first three installations we are recommending the M2G to the various agencies and non-governmental bodies that fall within the remit of CLG” Carl von Reibnitz, Sustainable Operations Manager

Serco “We were particularly impressed with the results because the pilot took place during the coldest weather we‟ve had in 30 years, when dry cycling would have been at a minimum, It„s clear that significantly higher savings will be achieved during more temperate conditions and our ongoing monitoring already supports that view. Many people think BEMS can control every aspect of a boiler‟s operation but this is not the case. The M2G interfaced very smoothly with our BEMS and the two now complement each other to maximise energy savings” Alan Taylor, Technical Manager, Government Integrated Services

Balfour Beatty "We have formed a strategic partnership with Sabien Technology as part of our ongoing commitment to delivering cost effective carbon saving solutions for our customers. We recognise their product as a way of driving down carbon emissions from the operation of buildings." Tim Ward, Director Business & Industry

O2 “We have been very impressed with the performance of the M2G units. They have lived up to all expectations and because they are so easy to fit, there was no interruption in service to the two trial buildings. We are now rolling out M2G to other corporate offices in our portfolio and look forward to seeing significantly reduced gas bills.” Paul Eggleton, Energy Manager

University of Derby “Trying to find ways of saving energy and carbon emissions is a large part of my job and for the cost involved in installing M2G with the resulting short payback, there really was no alternative. We are able to compare the efficiency savings between those with M2G and those without. This has confirmed that M2G has reduced the university‟s carbon emissions” Anne Downes, Energy Officer

Jones Lang LaSalle “The energy savings that the M2G can deliver have been fully validated so we now have complete confidence in recommending it to our customers.” “The BMS at the site in Swindon is very sophisticated and it would have been technically possible to have a special program written to control the dry cycling, but it was more time-effective to use an off-the-shelf product, which has potential to integrate fully with existing BMS, particularly when contemplating new programming requirements”. “In contrast, the site in Basingstoke, the BMS was simpler and, in fact, even with already well-optimised boiler sequencing, achieving even further savings with this system is very impressive”. “Sabien responded quickly once we got the go-ahead for the pilot from the client and proved to be very flexible in accommodating our requirements. We will now be working in partnership with Sabien and our maintenance contractor as we look to try and roll-out M2G across other candidate sites.” Mark Bottriell, Jones Lang LaSalle’s Portfolio Energy Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa

Land Registry “The introduction of this technology has demonstrated our commitment to reduce Carbon emissions. We are extremely pleased with the results and are looking to introduce the Sabien M2G technology in to as many of our buildings as possible over the next few years.” Martin Illingworth, National Environment Manager

International Students House “We renewed the boiler plant and BMS in 2006 and extended the BMS in 2007 to optimise energy efficiency even further,” explained ISH Chief Operating Officer David Chapman. “I had previously thought that the BMS would also control dry cycling but this was not the case, as the extra savings achieved by the M2G units have proved.” “The performance of the M2Gs was assessed during the very cold weather at the beginning of 2010, so we are impressed with the reduced gas consumption under these conditions and can reasonably expect greater savings in future years. The project was also implemented very efficiently by the Sabien team”. David Chapman, Chief Operating Officer

CASE STUDY: Institution of Mechanical Engineers

IMechE reduces gas consumption and

carbon emissions by 17% The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) the United Kingdom's qualifying body for

Mechanical Engineers has reduced the gas consumption by 17% using Sabien’s M2G.

Payback under 3 years Installation of Sabien Technology’s M2G intelligent boiler load optimisers at the headquarters of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) the United Kingdom's qualifying body for Mechanical Engineers has reduced the gas consumption for heating and hot water by 17%, over and above the savings achieved by the recently optimised building management system (BMS). This is equivalent to a reduction in carbon emissions of 25 tonnes per annum – with a payback of around 2.7 years. “The Institution is very focused on the energy consumption of its buildings and we have reduced our carbon emissions by over 25% in the last two years,” explained Head of Energy Brian Robinson. “We initially asked Sabien to pilot the M2Gs and demonstrate the savings that would be achieved and, following the success of the trial, the units are now playing an important role in minimising our energy consumption,” he added. After a number of efficiency improvements had been made to the six boilers and existing controls, the M2G units were then retro-fitted to each of the six boilers and placed in measurement mode – to enable actual savings to be recorded.

What is M2G? The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler. A unit which can be retro-fitted to each boiler monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds and the information is recorded with heat transfer rates at the first and second stage firings. When a loading demand is made the system, automatically checks the latest data it has stored and decides whether it is more economical to retain first stage firing or to introduce

a second stage firing. The result is a substantial fuel reduction during less demanding situations while ensuring maximum capacity during heavy load periods.

Project Management “We were very pleased with the results of the pilot and the ongoing energy and emissions savings that will be achieved for the Institution. We were also very pleased with the support we received from Sabien, which ensured that the project ran smoothly,” Brian Robinson concluded. “The IMechE project has again demonstrated the significant savings which can be achieved by M2G,” commented Sabien’s CEO Alan O’Brien. “We work closely with mechanical engineers during the installation of our technology, so having delivered these results to their qualifying Institution further reinforces the merits of M2G that they see in the field. The combination of volatile energy prices and ever-stricter energy legislation is putting increasing pressure on organisations to improve their energy efficiency. The valuable contribution made by M2G towards achieving these objectives has now been proven in a wide range of applications under very diverse conditions.”

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BT begins rolling out M2G

BT one of the world’s leading providers of communications solutions and services has commenced the rollout of Sabien’s M2G boiler load optimiser following extensive pilots. M2G will be installed, in a rolling program, to all suitable buildings within BT’s estate of 7,500 buildings. Jeff Nash, Head of Sustainable Estates, BT noted; “BT has a clear focus to reduce its energy consumption and hence its CO2 emissions. It has plans to reduce its emissions by 80% by 2016 in the UK. To help it achieve this target it requires innovative solutions from suppliers to help save energy and Sabien delivered on our expectations and will have a continuing role to play in supporting BT in these plans” Sabien worked closely with Monteray BT’s FM provider during the rollout, providing end to end project management and installation across the UK.

How does M2G deliver CO2 savings?

The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimiser which improves the efficiency of each individual boiler regardless of age and size by removing “dry cycling”, an inherent problem found in over 80% of commercial boilers. M2G is retro-fitted to each boiler and monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds, enabling the M2G to analyse the temperature losses from the boiler. The M2G calculates whether the temperature loss is caused by a genuine heating demand or from standing losses i.e. temperature losses through the boiler casing and flue. When the boiler tries to fire as a consequence of the standing losses the M2G will prevent the boiler from firing resulting in reduced energy consumption. M2G’s ability to remove dry cycling within each boiler results in no changes to the boiler’s designed set points or impacts to ambient room temperatures. This approach eradicates previous control methods of using fixed time delays or predictive firing patterns. M2G complements and integrates with existing building controls by identifying any changes to the boilers set point from building management systems or additional controls such as weather compensation.

Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G energy savings, which are over and above those delivered by existing building controls, were achieved by minimising the common problem of dry cycling that occurs when boilers fire to compensate for standing heat losses from the system, rather than contributing to the building’s heating load. Installation of the M2G forms part of a wide-ranging package of sustainability measures by CLG, which administers the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Display Energy Certificate (DEC) schemes. Carl von Reibnitz, CLG’s Sustainable Operations Manager said; “The M2G is a relatively low cost technology and very cost-effective for the savings achieved, so it is a low risk investment and while reducing carbon emissions from the CLG estate is a corporate objective, the payback figures also have to stack up. “Now that we have validated data following the success of the first three installations we are recommending the M2G to the various agencies and non-governmental bodies that fall within the remit of CLG,” He concluded. M2G is listed on the Carbon Trust’s Energy Technology List and is approved for London’s Green500 initiative.

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“M2G’s ability to integrate with existing Building Management Systems and the vast range of single and multiple boiler applications regardless of size and age within the BT estate is a significant benefit”

Jeff Nash Head of Sustainable Estates

RAF Odiham reduces energy consumption

by 15% with M2G RAF Odiham has reduced its gas consumption and CO2 emissions by 15% by installing

Sabien’s patented M2G

Royal Air Force Odiham is based in North Hampshire with a working population of 2,000. Three support helicopter squadrons and one Army Air Corp squadron are based there. The installation of M2G was completed on behalf of Scottish and Southern Energy Contracting. Following the installation analysis was completed at the main boiler house which demonstrated gas consumption was reduced by 15% and payback achieved in just 14 weeks. The payback for the entire site is expected to be 36 weeks, reducing energy costs by over £89k a year. The results were analysed from the onsite AMR consumption data provided by RAF Odiham. The data was degree day corrected to normalise the impacts of the weather. As the graph below illustrates, gas consumption reduced following the installation of M2G compared to previous year despite the weather being considerably colder.

Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G energy savings, which are over and above those delivered by existing building controls, were achieved by minimising the common problem of dry cycling that occurs when boilers fire to compensate for standing heat losses from the system, rather than contributing to the building’s heating load. Installation of the M2G forms part of a wide-ranging package of sustainability measures by CLG, which administers the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Display Energy Certificate (DEC) schemes. Carl von Reibnitz, CLG’s Sustainable Operations Manager said; “The M2G is a relatively low cost technology and very cost-effective for the savings achieved, so it is a low risk investment and while reducing carbon emissions from the CLG estate is a corporate objective, the payback figures also have to stack up. “Now that we have validated data following the success of the first three installations we are recommending the M2G to the various agencies and non-governmental bodies that fall within the remit of CLG,” He concluded. M2G is listed on the Carbon Trust’s Energy Technology List and is approved for London’s Green500 initiative.

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“The savings delivered were during one of the coldest periods, with boiler dry cycling at a minimum. Yet savings of 15% were still achieved. Quick payback, integration with existing controls and the ease to implement across an estate have demonstrated M2G as a key technology to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions.”

Richard Plester Area Development Manger Scottish & Southern Energy Contracting

How does M2G reduce energy consumption?

The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler by removing “dry cycling”, an inherent problem found in over 80% of commercial boilers. M2G is retro-fitted to each boiler and monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds, enabling the M2G to analyse the temperature losses from the boiler. The M2G calculates whether the temperature loss is caused by a genuine heating demand or from standing losses i.e. temperature losses through boiler casing and flue. When the boiler tries to fire as a consequence of the standing losses the M2G will prevent the boiler from firing unnecessarily. M2G complements and integrates with existing building controls resulting in substantial reductions of energy consumption with quick payback periods. The combination of volatile energy prices and increasing legislation is placing pressure on organisations to improve their energy efficiency. As a result, M2G has been incorporated within the estates of some the UK’s leading organisations.

Installation of M2G

Lower consumption

Colder weather

AVIVA reduces energy consumption & CO2

by up to 17%

A pilot of Sabien’s M2G technology was conducted 3 AVIVA sites. AVIVA is the world’s fifth-largest insurance group and the largest in the UK, with 57,000 employees serving around 45 million customers worldwide. Sabien Technology focuses on helping both Private and Public sector organisations reduce their carbon emissions and energy consumption typically between 10% and 25%.

Sabien and M2G delivered During the pilot, gas consumption and associated carbon emissions were reduced by between 14% and 17%. Payback ranged from 41 to 62 weeks, with annual CO2 savings of 76 tonnes.

What is M2G? The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler. A unit, which can be retro-fitted to each boiler, monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds and the information is recorded with heat transfer rates at the first and second stage firings.

When a loading demand is made, the system automatically checks the latest data it has stored and decides whether it is more economical to retain first stage firing or to introduce a second stage firing. The result can be a substantial fuel reduction during less demanding situations while ensuring maximum capacity during heavy load periods. Pilot Methodology The test conditions and methodology were agreed with Norwich Union. The 3 sites were chosen by the client and represented a cross-section of the Norwich Union building portfolio. The pilot was conducted over a period of 30 days. M2G can be configured to operate in either „Save‟ (i.e. days when the M2G is operational and makes savings) and „Bypass‟ (i.e. days when the M2G is bypassed and makes no savings) mode. A comparison of the boiler firing periods was made between Save and Bypass days. Variations in outside temperature were accommodated using industry standard degree day calculations.

Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G energy savings, which are over and above those delivered by existing building controls, were achieved by minimising the common problem of dry cycling that occurs when boilers fire to compensate for standing heat losses from the system, rather than contributing to the building’s heating load. Installation of the M2G forms part of a wide-ranging package of sustainability measures by CLG, which administers the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Display Energy Certificate (DEC) schemes. Carl von Reibnitz, CLG’s Sustainable Operations Manager said; “The M2G is a relatively low cost technology and very cost-effective for the savings achieved, so it is a low risk investment and while reducing carbon emissions from the CLG estate is a corporate objective, the payback figures also have to stack up. “Now that we have validated data following the success of the first three installations we are recommending the M2G to the various agencies and non-governmental bodies that fall within the remit of CLG,” He concluded. M2G is listed on the Carbon Trust’s Energy Technology List and is approved for London’s Green500 initiative.

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Norwich Union commented: “AVIVA has a well established CSR Policy, and is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. As part of this, Norwich Union sets targets each year to reduce its carbon footprint. The reductions achieved by M2G in a wide range of organisations were impressive and we wanted to confirm these ourselves with a pilot scheme managed by Sabien at a number of our sites. Sabien were open and easy to work with, and together with the impressive savings achieved made a strong case to adopt M2G across the Norwich Union estate.”

Ambient room and hot water temperatures were unaffected during the pilot period. Sabien managed the pilot from start to finish, working closely with onsite engineers and Norwich Union Management.

Integrates with Building Management Systems The majority of M2G installations are in buildings which have sophisticated Building Management Systems already in place. The M2G integrated seamlessly with the existing Building Management Systems across the 3 sites.

Payback in under 1 year During the pilot gas consumption and carbon emissions were reduced by an average of 15%. This equates to an average payback period of 50 weeks and annual CO2 savings of 76 tonnes.

Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G energy savings, which are over and above those delivered by existing building controls, were achieved by minimising the common problem of dry cycling that occurs when boilers fire to compensate for standing heat losses from the system, rather than contributing to the building’s heating load. Installation of the M2G forms part of a wide-ranging package of sustainability measures by CLG, which administers the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Display Energy Certificate (DEC) schemes. Carl von Reibnitz, CLG’s Sustainable Operations Manager said; “The M2G is a relatively low cost technology and very cost-effective for the savings achieved, so it is a low risk investment and while reducing carbon emissions from the CLG estate is a corporate objective, the payback figures also have to stack up. “Now that we have validated data following the success of the first three installations we are recommending the M2G to the various agencies and non-governmental bodies that fall within the remit of CLG,” He concluded.

CASE STUDY: Department of Local Government and Communities

Sabien’s M2G achieves major energy

savings at CLG M2G reduces energy consumption by up to 17% at Communities and Local Government (CLG) the government department responsible for policy on local government, housing,

urban regeneration, planning and fire and rescue.

Energy Savings up to 17% - payback in 1.5 years Initially the M2G units were installed to 10 boilers at three CLG sites – Temple Quay House in Bristol, a Government office block in Birmingham and the Fire Service College in Gloucestershire. During the pilot phase the reduction in energy consumption ranged from 8% to 17% with an average saving of 12% across all three sites, delivering a projected payback of 1.5 years and anticipated reductions in carbon emissions of 84 tonnes per annum. Wider rollout of M2G across the Government Office Network is now underway. Carmen Boscolo, MITIE’s Sustainability Manager for CLG noted; “The savings were measured between November 2008 and January 2009, which included the coldest weather in the UK for nearly 30 years, as boiler dry cycling occurs more in milder weather, we anticipate making even greater savings later in the year.” “The project is running very smoothly; once we collated data from the asset log and provided contact details for facilities managers on each site, Sabien have taken care of all of the logistics,” she added.

What is M2G? The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler. A unit which can be retro-fitted to each boiler monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds and the information is recorded with heat transfer rates at the first and second stage firings. When a loading demand is made the system, automatically checks the latest data it has stored and decides whether it is more economical to retain first stage firing or to introduce a second stage firing. The result is a substantial fuel reduction during less demanding situations while ensuring maximum capacity during heavy load periods.

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CASE STUDY: City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Bradford Metropolitan District Council reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 26%

Sabien was asked by City Of Bradford MDC to demonstrate the energy consumption and CO2 savings by installing Sabien’s M2G technology to eight boilers at three City Of Bradford MDC sites and piloting over a one month period. The pilot sites were Alhambra Theatre, Eccleshill Baths and Keighley Town Hall. The chosen sites represented a good cross section of different boiler applications and types of buildings within the City of Bradford MDC portfolio Sabien Technology Limited (Sabien) helps companies reduce their carbon emissions, energy consumption and therefore save money. Based upon its established technology, M2G, Sabien's approach is proven to deliver typical carbon emissions and energy consumption savings of between 10% and 25%.

Average savings of 20% - payback in 28 weeks M2G delivered significant savings Alhambra Theatre 9% saving, payback 1.2 years, Eccleshill Baths 26% saving payback in 0.3 years, and Keighley Town Hall 23% saving payback in 1.2 years. Overall energy consumption was reduced by 20% and payback in just 28 weeks.

What is M2G? The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler. A unit which can be retro-fitted to each boiler monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds and the information is recorded with heat transfer rates at the first and second stage firings. When a loading demand is made the system, automatically checks the latest data it has stored and decides whether it is more economical to retain first stage firing or to introduce a second stage firing. The result is a substantial fuel reduction during less demanding situations while ensuring maximum capacity during heavy load periods.

Building Management Systems (BMS) The M2G integrates seamlessly with Building Management System. The majority of M2G installations are in buildings which have Building Management Systems already in place.

Pilot Methodology The test conditions and methodology were agreed with Bradford MDC. The 3 pilot sites were chosen by the client and represented a cross-section of the Bradford MDC building portfolio. The pilot was conducted over 30 days. M2G can be configured to operate in either ‘Save’ (i.e. days when the M2G is operational and makes savings) and ‘Bypass’ (i.e. days when the M2G is bypassed and makes no savings) mode. A comparison of the boiler firing periods was made between Save and Bypass days. Variations in outside temperature were accommodated using industry standard degree day calculations. Ambient room and hot water temperatures were unaffected during the pilot period. Sabien managed the pilot from start to finish, working closely with the onsite engineers.

Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G integrated seamlessly with the existing Building Management Systems. The majority of M2G installations are in buildings which have sophisticated Building Management Systems.

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Land Registry’s reduces energy use

by 15% with M2G The Land Registry has reduced its gas consumption and CO2 emissions by 15% by installing

Sabien’s patented M2G technology at its offices in Peterborough.

Land Registry, the government department responsible for keeping and maintaining the land registry for England and Wales is committed to reducing its energy consumption. Sabien’s M2G reduced the gas consumption costs for heating and hot water by 15% with payback in just 32 weeks.

The Land Registry installed 2 M2G units to the 2 gas boilers at their Peterborough Office. Sabien’s measurement and monitoring package was used to demonstrate the savings. Martin Illingworth, National Environment Manager, Land Registry noted; “The introduction of this technology has demonstrated our commitment to reduce Carbon emissions. We are extremely pleased with the results and are looking to introduce Sabien’s M2G technology in to as many of our buildings as possible over the next few years.” “The savings at the Peterborough Office show a significant reduction and helps towards the achievement of Government targets and reduction in costs” he added.

Why is M2G needed?

The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler by removing “dry cycling”, an inherent problem found in over 80% of commercial boilers. M2G is retro-fitted to each boiler and monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds, enabling the M2G to analyse the temperature losses from the boiler. The M2G calculates whether the temperature loss is caused by a genuine heating demand or from standing losses i.e. temperature losses through boiler casing and flue. When the boiler tries to fire as a consequence of the standing losses the M2G will prevent the boiler from firing. M2G complements and integrates with existing building controls resulting in substantial reductions of energy consumption with quick payback periods. The combination of volatile energy prices and increasing legislation is placing pressure on organisations to improve their energy efficiency. As a result, M2G has been incorporated within the estates of some the UK’s leading organisations.

Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G energy savings, which are over and above those delivered by existing building controls, were achieved by minimising the common problem of dry cycling that occurs when boilers fire to compensate for standing heat losses from the system, rather than contributing to the building’s heating load. Installation of the M2G forms part of a wide-ranging package of sustainability measures by CLG, which administers the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Display Energy Certificate (DEC) schemes. Carl von Reibnitz, CLG’s Sustainable Operations Manager said; “The M2G is a relatively low cost technology and very cost-effective for the savings achieved, so it is a low risk investment and while reducing carbon emissions from the CLG estate is a corporate objective, the payback figures also have to stack up. “Now that we have validated data following the success of the first three installations we are recommending the M2G to the various agencies and non-governmental bodies that fall within the remit of CLG,” He concluded. M2G is listed on the Carbon Trust’s Energy Technology List and is approved for London’s Green500 initiative.

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“The introduction of this technology has demonstrated our commitment to reduce Carbon emissions. We are extremely pleased with the results and are looking to introduce the Sabien M2G technology in to as many of our buildings as possible over the next few years.”

Martin Illingworth National Environment Manager



CONSUMPTION & CO2 BY UP TO 27% At O2 they know that climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing society and that every company has an important role to play in tackling it.

O2’s goal is to make energy conservation a way of life and to minimise the company’s impact on the environment. They have three main areas of focus: 1. To reduce and conserve the energy they use. 2. To source more energy from renewable sources. 3. Offset CO2 emissions through capital investment in

renewable energy or through other offsetting initiatives. This applies to the areas where they cannot reduce consumption or source enough renewable energy.

Sabien Technology helps companies reduce their carbon emissions, energy consumption and therefore save money. Based upon its established technology, M2G, Sabien's approach is proven to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption by up to 35%. As part of their carbon reduction strategy and working with Sabien Technology, O2 conducted an extensive pilot that delivered average savings in energy consumption of up to 27%. O2 is now working to roll out the M2G technology throughout its UK buildings.

Sabien and M2G delivered The pilot took place in two locations with 9 M2Gs fitted on 9 boilers used to heat the space and water of the offices. The results of the pilot demonstrated average energy savings of 27% and 16%. A positive pay back at each site of less than 14 and 7 months respectively, with total annual CO2 savings of 196 tonnes.

What is M2G? The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler. A unit which can be retro-fitted to each boiler monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds and the information is recorded with heat transfer rates at the first and second stage firings. When a loading demand is made the system, automatically checks the latest data it has stored and decides whether it is more economical to retain first stage firing or to introduce a second stage firing. The result is a substantial fuel reduction during less demanding situations while ensuring maximum capacity during heavy load periods.


Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G integrated seamlessly with O2’s Trend Building Management System. The majority of M2G installations are in buildings which have sophisticated Building Management Systems already in place.

Paul Eggleton, Energy Manager at O2, said: “We have been very impressed with the performance of the M2G units. They have lived up to all expectations and because they are so easy to fit, there was no interruption in service to the two trial buildings.” “We are now rolling out M2G to other corporate offices in our portfolio and look forward to seeing

significantly reduced gas bills.”

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CASE STUDY: University of Derby

University of Derby rollout M2G to reduce

energy costs and CO2 emissions

The University of Derby is making significant steps to reducing its impact on the environment, winning the Green Gown award and the Ecocampus Silver award for Environmental Management


M2G installation Sabien Technology‟s M2G intelligent boiler load optimisers have been installed across the University of Derby‟s campus following a successful pilot of M2G at the Kedleston Road site. The pilot resulted in a reduction in carbon emissions of 19 tonnes per annum – with a payback of 26 weeks. “Trying to find ways of saving energy and carbon emissions is a large part of my job and for the cost involved in installing M2G with the resulting short payback, there really was no alternative. Because not all boilers were compatible, we are able to compare the efficiency savings between those with M2G and those without. This has confirmed that M2G has reduced the university‟s carbon emissions” explained Energy Officer, Anne Downes. M2G was installed within 7 campus buildings in the University‟s estate, integrating with the existing Building Management Systems and delivering additional energy consumption savings and CO2 emission reductions.

What is M2G? The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler. One M2G is required per boiler, and each M2G is wired into the boiler‟s thermostat to reference its set point – this does not override or change the set points. Two digital probes are fitted to the boilers flow and return pipe work. No system drain down is required. The M2G‟s digital probes record the flow and return temperatures every 10 seconds.

The M2G analyses the temperature differential over time. This enables the M2G to identify „dry cycling‟ i.e. the boiler trying to fire to recover its own heat losses. If a genuine heating demand is made the M2G will identify this and allow the boiler to fire – ensuring ambient temperatures within the building are not compromised.

Project Management “Once we had seen the savings possible from the pilot project, the survey to identify compatible boilers was quickly and efficiently carried out. M2G was installed with a minimum of disruption and the units are unobtrusively working away in the background saving the university energy and money. ” Anne Downes concluded. “The University of Derby‟s project demonstrates M2G‟s application across different sectors and building types and the significant energy consumption reductions which can be achieved” commented Sabien‟s CEO Alan O‟Brien. “We work closely with all stakeholders during the installation of our technology, enabling smooth delivery within time and budget. With increasing energy legislation and the need to reduce costs increasing pressure is being placed on organisations to improve their energy efficiency. M2G is now recognised as pivotal technology to deliver these objectives.”

M2G is listed on the Carbon Trust‟s Energy Technology List, verified by the EU‟s ETV and is approved for London‟s Green500 initiative.

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Sabien’s M2G delivers 14% energy

savings for ISH International Students House (ISH) has recorded savings in gas consumption of 14% following installation of Sabien Technology’s M2G intelligent boiler load optimisers – giving

a payback period of around 1.3 years.

ISH provides permanent and long stay accommodation for British and International students at two properties in central London. In recent years the organisation has implemented a wide range of sustainability measures. ISH has recorded savings in gas consumption of 14% following installation of Sabien Technology’s M2G intelligent boiler load optimisers – giving a payback period of around 1.3 years. The M2G units are integrated with the existing building management systems (BMS) and reduce energy consumption by controlling dry cycling of the boilers. “We renewed the boiler plant and BMS in 2006 and extended the BMS in 2007 to optimise energy efficiency even further,” explained ISH Chief Operating Officer David Chapman. “I had previously thought that the BMS would also control dry cycling but this was not the case, as the extra savings achieved by the M2G units have proved,” he added. A total of eight M2G units were retrofitted to boilers in three plant rooms, in two buildings. ISH then carried out extensive monitoring of the system, correcting the results with degree day data to allow for changes in ambient temperature. “The performance of the M2Gs was assessed during the very cold weather at the beginning of 2010, so we are impressed with the reduced gas consumption under these conditions and can reasonably expect greater savings in future years. The project was also implemented very efficiently by the Sabien team,” David Chapman continued. The savings achieved by the M2G units at ISH will reduce carbon emissions by 72 tonnes per annum, with annual financial

savings of over £11,000

Integrates with Building Management Systems The M2G energy savings, which are over and above those delivered by existing building controls, were achieved by minimising the common problem of dry cycling that occurs when boilers fire to compensate for standing heat losses from the system, rather than contributing to the building’s heating load. Installation of the M2G forms part of a wide-ranging package of sustainability measures by CLG, which administers the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Display Energy Certificate (DEC) schemes. Carl von Reibnitz, CLG’s Sustainable Operations Manager said; “The M2G is a relatively low cost technology and very cost-effective for the savings achieved, so it is a low risk investment and while reducing carbon emissions from the CLG estate is a corporate objective, the payback figures also have to stack up. “Now that we have validated data following the success of the first three installations we are recommending the M2G to the various agencies and non-governmental bodies that fall within the remit of CLG,” He concluded. M2G is listed on the Carbon Trust’s Energy Technology List and is approved for London’s Green500 initiative.

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“I had previously thought that the BMS would also control dry cycling but this was not the case, as the extra savings achieved by the M2G units have proved” David Chapman Chief Operating Officer, ISH

sabien managingcarbon™through energy reduction


The intelligent way of reducing fuel consumption

The Down and Lisburn Health and Social Services Trust is part of theNational Health Service. The trust has a clearly defined energy andenvironmental policy with two main objectives. The first is to reduceits overheads, wherever possible, so that quality patient care can beimproved through more effective management of funds. The second is to reduce harmful CO2 emissions in line with the government’scommitment to the Kyoto Protocol. Reducing emissions helps tocreate a cleaner local environment and sets an example to privatesector companies, making them more aware of their responsibilities.

The trust has an excellent record of reducing energy consumption,having won many energy efficiency awards and certificates.

The Trust’s Energy PolicyThe Down Lisburn HSS Trust has 58 buildings, including generalhospital services; acute hospital patient care, elderly care and mentalcare buildings; and GP and training centres. As part of its commitmentto reduce energy, the trust has guidelines for considering products thatclaim to reduce energy consumption. A product must have acceptablesupportive evidence before the trust will consider it for short-termtests. The trust is bound by the Patients Charter, and patients’ welfareis of utmost importance. A test on any product will immediatelyterminate if comfort levels are not maintained. A product must alsohave acceptable engineering logic to capture our full consideration.

If the trust decides that there is conclusive evidence during initial test conditions that the product has performed well without any sideeffects, then the test is normally extended to a 12-month period.After this, if the trust is completely satisfied with the energyperformance results, it may decide to bring the product to theattention of others in the form of a case study. This does not mean the trust endorses the product, but it is an indication for any otherinterested parties that the product has demonstrated its ability toreduce energy consumption in our buildings, and would have merit for their own applications.

Background to the trial The trust decided to evaluate boiler-optimising units as part of its energy policy. Previously, this type of control appeared to befairly basic, but advances, particularly in electronic technology,suggested that some of these controls had developed considerably,while others were just starting to enter the market. The trust conducteda thorough assessment of these controls and divided them into twocategories. The first category included controls that had little or nointelligence, which would make them suspect under the heavy loadingconditions at some of the trust’s hospitals. The second categoryincluded those controls that were more sophisticated, havingintelligence and engineering logic.

The trust decided to consider only those controls in the secondcategory, due to their ability to have at least some load-demand logic. Within this category, three units appeared worthy of extended consideration.

The trust decided to conduct initial tests on buildings that could bemonitored through its BEMS (Building Energy Management System),and one particular control’s performance stood out from the others.It appeared to have a much higher level of intelligence and an advancedlogic that included self-learning features. It also had a systemdiagnostic facility which none of the others had. It was decided to test this unit on two buildings over a much longer period.

The trust purchased and installed four of the units that appeared tostand out from the others. Units were installed to the boilers of a hospital block. The heating demand for this hospitalrequired a room temperature of 25°C, due to the inactivity of thepatients. Units were also installed at a second site, which was a GPHealth Centre. Unit installation was carried out by an approvedcontractor and took less than 90 minutes per unit.

Due to the welfare of the elderly patients at the first site, the trustrepeated its stipulation that, if there was any unacceptable variation in room temperature, the test would be immediately abandoned.The trust placed calibrated data loggers to monitor room and ambient

As part of its energy strategy, the Down and Lisburn HSS Trust has beentesting boiler-optimising systems at several sites. One system reduced fuelconsumption by almost 20% on average without reducing patients’ comfortlevels, and had a payback of less than a year, as Robert Spence reports.

Robert Spence MSc

is energy and

environmental manager

at Down Lisburn HSS Trust

temperatures every three minutes at both test sites. Supportiveevidence was supplied by the trust’s BEMS. Daily consumption wasread manually at the same time every day and confirmed by theBEMS. After revealing that there was no variation whatsoever in roomtemperature, the test was allowed to run its course over a full year.The trust evaluated the test findings and established that energy wasconsiderably reduced and room temperature was maintained at bothsites, even when frost levels reached –5°C.

M2G System Logic The unit under test was called the M2G System. The system monitorsflow and return water temperature to each boiler at 10-secondintervals. This picks up changing patterns in water temperaturesindicating such things as modulating zone valves, or radiatorthermostat valves opening and closing. The software captures thesechanging temperatures in its memory and uses them to build a picture of current system demand, giving it a template to control burnerfiring. The trust could not find any other control in the marketplacethat applied the same degree of heat-transfer intelligence.

All the trust’s boilers have two-stage firing and single thermostats.Normally, the safety-control device sends a signal to the burner toignite the second-stage fire after a fixed time, which is unrelated tosystem demand or ambient temperature. Instead, the M2G softwareestablishes if the second-stage fire is necessary and, if so, when tointroduce it most economically. During the 12-month monitoringexercise, there were definite periods, especially from 10 or 11am to 3 or 4pm, where second-stage firing was greatly reduced. This not onlyreflected the general pattern of ambient temperature rising to its dailypeak, but also the rate of building heat loss slowing down. The M2GSystem responded to these situations effectively and maximumreduction in energy consumption occurred during these periods,although it was not restricted to them. Second-stage firing consumes a lot more fuel than the first stage, and a reduction in second-stageactivity generates considerable savings, even with longer first-stagefiring. Despite the reduction in second-stage firing even throughprolonged periods, room temperature was still maintained.

Each boiler must have an M2G System unit installed, which, becauseno two boilers have the same rise-and-fall temperature characteristics,is boiler-specific. A series of LEDs on the unit panel indicates thecurrent status of the unit and what function it is performing at any given moment.

NATURAL GAS CO2 Year 1 Year 2 Percentage Payback tonnesmWh mWh saving in years reduced

Laurelhill House 557.30 412.99 25.9% 0.99 27.4

Seymour House 854.70 750.22 1 12.2% 1.36 19.9

Lindsay House 182.50 145.59 20.2% 3.86 7.0

Lisburn ATC 613.50 446.10 27.3% 0.85 31.8

CLASS D OIL CO2 Year 1 Year 2 Percentage Payback tonneslitres litres saving in years reduced

Finniston House 197,621 162,788 17.7% 0.30 94.1

Nurses Residence 70895 65,667 7.4% 1.86 14.1

Maternity Block 172,503 160,145 7.2% 0.78 33.4

Hillsborough Health Centre 13,005 8,472 34.9% 2.14 12.2

Before and after consumption rates

Further Evaluation The trust then decided to extend its trials to a further eight buildingsand to monitor energy-consumption performance over a full yearagainst its 18-year historical consumption data records. The buildingswere carefully selected to provide a good variation in operationalactivity. Both natural gas and oil-fired boilers were tested, and theircapacity varied from 115kW to 600kW output. The trust selected abase year for making a comparison, because its degree days closelyreflected a five-year average pattern. The trial year, was a slightlymilder year, so the appropriate weather correction was made. (For anexplanation of using degree days to take account of the weather’seffect on energy consumption, see last month’s issue of FacilitiesManagement.)

The tables below illustrate the before and after consumption rates atthe eight sites after weather correction. The building with the heaviestenergy use saw a reduction in consumption of 7%, while the saving inthe least load-demanding conditions was 34%. The average reductionin energy consumption across the sites over one full year was 19.2%,and the total reduction in CO2 emissions was 240 tonnes. The averagepayback, based on recent increases in gas and oil prices was 0.73years. Room temperature at all the buildings was at leastmaintained and, in some cases, was slightly higher during M2GSystem control.

Benefits Of The System The M2G System appeared the most advanced boiler control we couldfind, and the engineering logic has been well thought out. The trust’strials have proved that the M2G System is effective at reducing energyconsumption while maintaining room temperature. There were no sideeffects, and the payback on investment was very attractive.

The reduction in energy is certainly a major benefit, but less energyconsumption means less boiler activity, which, in turn, has otherbenefits. There has been a reduction in electricity because there is lessburner motor activity and, if the burner functions less, both it and theboiler should last longer, which delays capital investment for boilerreplacement. A reduction in energy use means boiler- servicingintervals can be extended.

Since purchasing and installing the first units, the trust has never hada unit malfunction or a cause to complain. It has now purchased andinstalled these devices on all other suitable trust estate buildings and,after six months, these buildings are reporting the same kind ofreduction in energy consumption.

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Sabien‟s M2G saves energy in Serco‟s

centre of excellence A pilot of Sabien‟s M2G intelligent boiler load optimiser at the headquarters of Serco, a

leading service provider and FTSE 100 company produced significant energy savings.

The M2G will now be an integral component in the range of energy efficiency measures that Serco offers its customers. Graeme Cameron, Serco‟s Director of Energy and Sustainability Services said; “Serco has been offering energy management services to customers for many years and we are now in the process of extending our capabilities and restructuring the package of energy services we offer. Our energy monitoring system indicated a potential issue with the boiler operation at our headquarters so we decided to trial the M2G”. It was also important that we validated the energy savings M2G could deliver before offering it to our customers,” he added. 12% saving and payback in 68 weeks The M2G pilot was carried out during February 2009 at Serco House in Hampshire, which is, in itself, a centre of excellence for energy efficiency and a showcase for Serco‟s services. As such, it is a modern, well-insulated building with modern, highly efficient boiler plant controlled by a sophisticated building energy management system (BEMS). Complementing the operation of the BEMS, the M2G system delivered energy savings of 12% during the pilot, providing a payback in just 68 weeks. Alan Taylor, Serco‟s Technical Manager, Government Integrated Services said; “We were particularly impressed with the results because the pilot took place during the coldest weather we‟ve had in 30 years, when dry cycling would have been at a minimum, It„s clear that significantly higher savings will be achieved during more temperate conditions and our ongoing monitoring already supports that view. Many people think BEMS can control every aspect of a boiler‟s operation but this is not the case. The M2G interfaced very smoothly with our BEMS and the two now complement each other to maximise energy

savings” he continued.

M2G, intelligent boiler load optimisation is able to differentiate between a genuine need for heating in a building and a call for the boiler to fire simply to compensate for standing heat losses from the boiler itself – a phenomenon known as „dry cycling‟. Dry cycling can be a consequence of the boilers being oversized and occurs most often during relatively mild weather when boilers are operating under light conditions, resulting in the boilers frequently switching on and off, therefore wasting energy. Serco‟s M2G savings validation At Serco House, Sabien‟s proven pilot methodology was supplemented by Serco‟s highly sophisticated energy monitoring software, which is able to compare boiler operation with ambient temperature conditions to evaluate the M2G‟s ongoing performance. Alan Taylor noted “This new software clearly shows that the boilers are responding to load conditions, and not just BMS-driven return HTW temperature set points,” Looking ahead “We have two major objectives,” said Graeme Cameron. “One is to minimise our own energy consumption and environmental impact as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility obligations. The second is to be able to offer the best solutions to our customers, secure in the knowledge that these have been thoroughly tested and validated. To that end, we are keen to work closely with Sabien in the future,” he concluded. On the strength of the pilot results, Serco intends to include the M2G in the wide range of energy services it will be offering customers, as well as using the units to reduce its own carbon footprint.

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CASE STUDY: Jones Lang LaSalle

Jones Lang LaSalle rolls out M2G Jones Lang LaSalle is a financial and professional services firm specialising in real estate services and investment management. With more than 30,000 people in 750 locations in 60 countries.

Payback in just 21 weeks Installation of Sabien Technology’s M2G intelligent boiler load optimisers at two offices, on behalf of managing agents Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), has resulted in significant energy and carbon emissions savings with a return on investment of just 21 weeks. As a result, JLL is now recommending use of the M2G at the other sites and clients’ estates it manages. Mark Bottriell, Jones Lang LaSalle’s Portfolio Energy Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa, commented: “The energy savings that the M2G can deliver have been fully validated so we now have complete confidence in recommending it to our customers.” Working closely with JLL’s maintenance contractor, Sabien installed M2G at two sites in Swindon and Basingstoke belonging to a global mobile phone manufacturer. Both buildings were already operating building management systems (BMS) but these were not controlling the dry cycling of the boilers caused by standing heat losses from the system. “The BMS at the site in Swindon is very sophisticated and it would have been technically possible to have a special program written to control the dry cycling, but it was more time-effective to use an off-the-shelf product, which has potential to integrate fully with existing BMS, particularly when contemplating new programming requirements,” Mark Bottriell observed. “In contrast, the site in Basingstoke, the BMS was simpler and, in fact, even with already well-optimised boiler sequencing, achieving even further savings with this system is very impressive,” he added.

What is M2G? The M2G is an intelligent boiler load optimisation controller that improves the efficiency of each individual boiler. A unit which can be retro-fitted to each boiler monitors the temperature of the water in the flow and return every 10 seconds and the information is recorded with heat transfer rates at the first and second stage firings.

When a loading demand is made the system, automatically checks the latest data it has stored and decides whether it is more economical to retain first stage firing or to introduce a second stage firing. The result is a substantial fuel reduction during less demanding situations while ensuring maximum capacity during heavy load periods.

CO2 reduced by 96 tonnes per annum In both cases, the M2G units achieved a 6% reduction in gas consumption, saving around £21,500 per annum and reducing CO2 emissions by 96 tonnes per annum, the return on investment was just 21 weeks. However, as these measurements were taken during the coldest period for over 20 years, when the energy wastage through dry cycling would have been at a minimum, it’s likely these savings will be even greater. Indeed, the potential for major savings was shown at another site managed by JLL, the Palm Terrace in California, where M2G units reduced gas consumption for space heating and hot water by 22%. Another key element in the success of the project was the project management, undertaken by Sabien working closely with JLL and JLL’s maintenance contractor. “Sabien responded quickly once we got the go-ahead for the pilot from the client and proved to be very flexible in accommodating our requirements. We will now be working in partnership with Sabien and our maintenance contractor as we look to try and roll-out M2G across other candidate sites,” Mark Bottriell concluded.

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