Rich Media Hoarders session for 24HourPhotoshop



Breathe in, and breathe out…and relax! Getting organized doesn’t need to be stressful, in fact, it helps reduce stress in the long run. Getting organized also means being able to quickly find the files you need, or even better, letting other people find the files instead of you. In this session you’ll learn practical tips on file naming, folder organization, keywords, and other organizational tricks you can start using immediately with our without an actual DAM system.

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- Are you a rich media hoarder?

- What is Digital Asset Management?

- How can these DAM tools and

techniques help me?

- How to get started with DAM

- Q&A

Edward Smith

Product Manager and Editor of

“A supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully

guarded for preservation, future use, etc.”



“Now where did I save that graphic?”

“Yes, please bother me every time you

need a logo.”

“Why are there so many copies of the

same photo?”

“Your PowerPoint presentation is so

big, it has it’s own gravitational pull!”

“Why is my face on that billboard?”

♫ ♫

“…the ingestion, annotation,

cataloguing, storage, retrieval and

distribution of digital assets”


Being able to quickly find, organize,

and convert media files.

DAM involves technology,

processes, and people.

(Also, an endless source of unfunny




Find—type a keyword into a box:

Advanced find—choose from categories:

Web portal find—your own stock website:

In-app find—find from a palette

within an application:

“Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or

controlled to produce value…” (Wikipedia)

“They’re only assets if you can find them”

A rich media file plus metadata

Metadata is “data about data”

• Information (metadata) about rich media files (assets)

• Metadata can be created automatically (awesome!)

• …or entered manually by hand (lame!)

3 things you can use metadata for:

• Index (keywords and other stuff you can search)

• Informational (the 5 W’s)

• Rights (where and how a rich media file can be used)

• Standards: Adobe XMP, IPTC, EXIF, Office, QuickTime

• Send information with the file:

• Extracting: Reading information from the file

• Embedding: Writing information into the file

Q: Does search make filenames irrelevant?

A: No, dummy!

• Keywords can auto-generate from filenames

• Filenames are the original metadata—all other people and programs

understand them

• Filenames can affect how files are sorted (by date, alphabetically)

• There are advantages to uniquely named files

• some%20systems%20break%20spaces%20in%20filenames.jpg

• Don’t use these characters on the Mac:

\ / : * ? “ < > | [ ] & $ `


• Keywords can also auto-generate from folders

• Folders help people access rich media from both inside and outside of a DAM

• Folders provide another level of organization in addition to metadata and galleries

• Folders can be used as a “hot folder” or drop box for automatic cataloging into a


• Folders provide an absolute location (file path)—a place where you can go back to

find it

• Do you really want to put hold 4,294,967,295 files in one folder?


• Create an empty set of folder templates to copy from

• Determine folder direction: what folders come before others?

• Determine level of granularity: at what level do people create their own


• Try not to “float” folders to the _top or z_bottom

• The structure shouldn’t require putting one file in more than one folder

• Consider starting over with a new folder structure


Single Catalog:

• One place to look when searching

• One place to setup metadata and other settings

• One place to manage and maintain


Multiple catalogs:

• Different workflows (metadata schemas)

• Different access controls for different departments

• Different starting points for a search

• Another “level” of organization

• Performance advantages for flat file (non-SQL) databases


• Keep highest resolution copy and provide derivative formats as

needed using batch convert/transcode

• Video requires more space and processing power for proxy clips

• Not all formats support non-proprietary metadata (DNG > RAW)

• Beware of resource forks on older Mac files (like PS fonts)


• Get the right people involved (including IT!)

• Focus on solving problems, not features

• Try before you buy

• Start small—build on small successes

DAM helps organizations:

• Save time

• Save money

• Increase revenue

• Make life easier!



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