Representation and social groups


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Representation and Social groups

Use of props to connote social groups

The use of mobile phones connotes the generation that the young protagonists live in. This is not a positive representation nor a negative on, it merely connotes to the audience that the protagonists use new media that is available in today’s society and conveys that they are young socialites, and this is the type of era that the live in and that the film will be based in.

James uses a mobile phone to get in touch with harry and the this connotes to the audience that they are boys who socialise and keep in touch via new technology

Use of costume to connote Social Groups

The costume that James is wearing connotes that although he is in style, because it is so laid back he would be the funny one who makes the inappropriate jokes within the popular circle of friends.

Ryans cool costumes connotes that he is the popular boy who all the girls want. He will be the most popular boy in school with the sidekick funny best friend who is the comedian. His ‘player-like- attitude it connoted even further in this scene when James suggests he has 5 girls after him, and Ryan justifies this by walking away and answering a phone call from a girl.

Use of costume to connote positive representations

James is wearing a red hoodie with baggy jeans and trainers which makes him seem more laid back than Ryan. This connotes to the audience a positive representation because it shows he doesn’t take himself too seriously and likes to have fun.

Ryan is wearing a hoodie also, however his is with a zip and a fashionable t-shirt underneath and he is wearing skinny fit jeans whereas James is not. This is a positive representation of him as it connotes that he keeps up to date with the latest fashions and takes pride in his appearance. This is positive because it conveys that he likes to look smart for college and not scruffy.

Use of props to connote Representations

The use of the car in the opening sequence connotes the boys age, which would be 17+. This conveys to the audience that they are probably quite ‘cool’ boys because Ryan has a car. However this could also connote a negative representation because boys with cars are notorious for being ‘boy-racers’ and irresponsible. This could be supported by the fact that when James approaches Ryan he is sat on a wall acting all cool after just driving to college, and then locking his car in front of James to show off.
