Questionnaire on machine to-machine (m2 m) communications



During past several years, the concept of Internet of Things has developed a lot since ITU release the Internet Report of 2005 ( M2M communication is regarded as the best way to provide cost-effective and good-coverage access capability. Research and industry parties made forecasts of future development of M2M communications. One of the widely quoted estimations is a figure of 50 billion connected devices by 2020, which is 100 times of the number of connected devices of today. Based on preliminary investigation and research, it shows great complexity to connect all of them, let alone in different service requirements. These service requirements will lead challenges to current telecom system that has been designed for human-to-human communications, even in the latest technologies like IMT-Advanced. Mass of machine devices and diverse M2M applications may trigger new spectrum for M2M service and the new numbering and addressing mechanism as well. Besides, the new traffic characteristic of machine applications may require a total new consideration of the whole Internet.AWF is a platform to share and discuss information of emerging radio technologies, stimulate research and development and promote related telecommunication business within the Asia-Pacific region. In this regard, at the 9th meeting of AWF, it was agreed that Convergence WG could prepare a Questionnaire on M2M in Asia Pacific and subsequently be sent to all APT members for their input. It is envisioned that the responses to the Questionnaire would be considered by AWF in the study of M2M, which may provide useful information to APT members and facilitate the following research.

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Source Document: AWF-9/OUT-08 (Attachment 3)


Background This questionnaire is proposed by Convergence WG.

During past several years, the concept of Internet of Things has developed a lot since ITU release the Internet Report of 2005 ( M2M communication is regarded as the best way to provide cost-effective and good-coverage access capability. Research and industry parties made forecasts of future development of M2M communications. One of the widely quoted estimations is a figure of 50 billion connected devices by 2020, which is 100 times of the number of connected devices of today. Based on preliminary investigation and research, it shows great complexity to connect all of them, let alone in different service requirements. These service requirements will lead challenges to current telecom system that has been designed for human-to-human communications, even in the latest technologies like IMT-Advanced. Mass of machine devices and diverse M2M applications may trigger new spectrum for M2M service and the new numbering and addressing mechanism as well. Besides, the new traffic characteristic of machine applications may require a total new consideration of the whole Internet.

AWF is a platform to share and discuss information of emerging radio technologies, stimulate research and development and promote related telecommunication business within the Asia-Pacific region. In this regard, at the 9th meeting of AWF, it was agreed that Convergence WG could prepare a Questionnaire on M2M in Asia Pacific and subsequently be sent to all APT members for their input. It is envisioned that the responses to the Questionnaire would be considered by AWF in the study of M2M, which may provide useful information to APT members and facilitate the following research.

APT members are invited to respond to the questionnaire by next AWF meeting. LIST OF ABBREAVIATION(S):

M2M: Machine-To-Machine

Name of the Administration :

Contact Person :



1. In which industry, M2M application is already applied in your country, and how about the scale respectively?

APPLICATION(YES OR NO) SCALE (THOUSAND)TransportSmart GridSmart MeteringConsumer ElectronicsE-HealthAgricultureLogisticsAutomationEnvironmentStructureDisaster Monitor

If the M2M application is not included in the table above, please describe:<please type your answer here>

2. In your opinion, what are the problems in deploying the M2M applications? Market/Trade Barrier

Market Entry


Others <please type your answer here>

3. What’s the prospective for the M2M application within your country, including the industry that affected and the scale respectively?





TransportSmart GridSmart

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MeteringConsumer ElectronicsE-HealthAgricultureLogisticsAutomationEnvironmentStructureDisaster Monitor

If the M2M application is not included in the table above, please describe:<please type your answer here>

Policy and Regulation

1. Is there any existing National Policy that promotes M2M applications in your country? Yes


If yes, please cite the corresponding items.

<please type your answer here>

2. Is there any telecommunication regulation that facilitates M2M applications in your country? Yes


If yes, please describe.

<please type your answer here>

3. Is there any specific frequency spectrum applicable to M2M applications? Yes


If yes, in which band and for which application?<please type your answer here>

4. Is there any regulation for M2M application or service deployment upon the existing infrastructure?



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If yes, in which industry field?<please type your answer here>

5. Is there any prospective National Policy that promotes M2M applications in your country in 5 to 10 years?



If yes, please describe:<please type your answer here>

Is there any prospective telecommunication regulation that facilitates M2M applications in

your country in 5 to 10 years?



If yes, please describe:<please type your answer here>


1. Which telecommunication techniques are being used for existing M2M application in your country, and the scale?


If the technique being used is not included in the table above, please describe:<please type your answer here>

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2. What’s the major M2M application coverage/deployment situation in your country? Please describe:

a) Wired (in application penetration rate): <please type your answer here>

b) Wireless (in land coverage rate): <please type your answer here>

3. Is there any potential new radio technique that is considered to be used for future M2M applications?



If yes, please describe:<please type your answer here>

4. What are the technical problems in deploying the M2M applications?<please type your answer here>

5. In your opinion, what are the characteristics that can evaluate the M2M applications?

Power Consumption

System Capacity


Device Cost

Others, please describe: <please type your answer here>

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