Quality through the lens of Astrophysics



First their was geo-centrism and then helio-centrism. I propose that we re-orient the software development universe around the idea of quality-centrism. Quality provides the gravity and controls the physics of how projects function.

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Quality through the lens of Astrophysics

Adam Goucher


The branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties of celestial objects as well as their interactions.


Value to some person that matters through their relationship with our software or service

The Celestial Bodies


The object at the centre of the solar system controls everything around it•Geo•Helio•Quality

Everything revolves around Quality

The Golden Copy

•Everything of Value is version controlled•If it is not of Value, why is it produced?•Email is a not a document management solution

Developer Tests

•Test Driven Development (TDD)•Evolutionary design•Ensure testability

•Regression security blanket•Fast! No disk, no database

Continuous Integration

•Thou shalt not break the build•Dynamic Tests•Unit•Functional

•Static Tests•Bug patterns•Conventions

•System of Record

Functional Testing





•Intelligent log monitoring•System heartbeat•Host environment


Client relationships do not end at launch


Small Solar System Bodies

Awesome Organizations...

•Do one thing really well•Care•Are trustworthy•Are joyful


•Have the right skills•That are kept up to date•Are doing the right things

The Physics(or the glue that holds everything together)




•Deliver Quickly•Deliver Often•Short(ish) since we can’t predict the future•Have a clear definition of Done•Constant stream of Value

Technical Debt

•Debt is a tool•Use it wisely•Eventually it needs to be paid back

Realistic Expectations

•Bug free software is a myth•Just because all the tests pass, doesn’t mean all the bugs have been found•100% coverage does not mean 100% tested

Data That Is


Background photo by anastaza1a (http://www.flickr.com/photos/madomaratzki/2111541354/)
