Q magazine Adverts



Magazine Advert Research

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  • 1. Magazine Advert Research

2. DisplayFull Page FH - 10,072 Full Page ROP - 9,156 Half Page - 5,036 IBC/OBC - 11,902 DPS FH - 19,136 DPS ROP - 17,396Advertorials Full Page - 11.902 DPS - 22,615 Half Page - 6,547 3. Name of the Artist Top of the advert bold font stands outA4 Size Back Cover Background Image Simple but effective name of the album Bright colors represent fire - powerfulName of album continued font of artist name bold colorImage of artist center of page takes up 75% of space focal point artists position dominant in control/powerfulPersuasive New makes the album sound more appealing/exclusive to the audience Record company logo small bottom corner Artists website contact for viewer link to merchandiseRelease date of albumAlbum Formats Where the album can be purchased from 4. Name of album unusually top of the page larger more noticeable font than artist nameA6 End of MagazineImage of the artist center of the page focal point Artist name bright font smaller less noticeable than album name image of artist is the branding tool Image of the album branding audience can recognize it in shopsBackground colorful fits pop genre catches the eye coordinates with the clothing of the artist links with the album title. 5. Magazine Advert Research