Push Notification with Unity in iOS using App42 Backend



Integrating App42 Push Notification service with Unity3D iOS App. With Unity you can create rich, interactive entertainment or multimedia experience. This presentation will help you learn how to use Unity Push Notification feature with App42 Backend as a Service APIs. Check out our website http://www.shephertz.com

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Push Notification Service

Increase User


Calendar Events





Push Notifications

Benefits of Push Notification

Increases user-engagement

e.g. In a turn-based game like Tic-Tac-Toe, it can notify a user of his turn (suppose

he gets a phone call in between and forgets that he was playing!!)

Allows to send messages to users even when the app is not running; thus helps in

reminding them of your App

Helps to build a fan community around your game by pushing to a targeted

audience – like your regular gamers

Allows an App to notify its users of new events without needing to actually open it,

i.e. by a sound or a screen pop up

App42 Push Notification supports








Corona.. And more

Our Push Notification API can be used to send cross-

platform push messages to devices running on iOS,

Android and Windows Phone with a single API call

• Send Image/Text/URLs text-based Push Notifications

• Send messages in Channel Subscription Mode

• Send Scheduled Push as per Time-Zone

No infrastructure & scalability worries

Push Analytics

• Analyze your Push Campaign with App42 Analytics

• Evaluate the number of Push messages sent, delivered

and opened

Why App42 Push Notification?

Push for Marketing Automation

Segment your Users and send targeted Push Notifications

• Segmentation based on User Profile, Interests, Channel Subscription, etc.

• Geo-Location based Push Notifications

Track User Activity, set custom events and trigger Push Notifications based on

Users’ Current/Real-time or Previous Sessions’ Activity

• Set custom events such as App Open, Click on a Link, App Session Close, In-App

Purchase, Add to Cart, etc.

• Trigger real-time Push Notifications based on Event occurrences

Creating a channel & scheduling

Push messages through AppHQ

A very useful feature that can track:

These analytics can be viewed from our AppHQ console.

Why Push Analytics?

When you use our Push Notification Service, each Push goes from the App42 server to

GCM/APNS/MPNS and then to the user device.

Thus, Analytics gives you a better insight of your Push Notification campaign.

Push Analytics

• Delivery of Push Notification is not guaranteed even from the service provider

• Once delivered, there might be a chance that user just clears it without opening the message

How many Push Notifications were sent from your side

How many were delivered, and

How many users opened the message




Push Notification Campaign




Steps to Integrate Push Notification

with Unity3d on iOS

Download our Sample App Source Code from our GitHub Repo.

To configure Push Notifications for iOS Apps/games; the prerequisites are:

• Create a new App ID and provisioning profile for each App that uses push as well as an SSL certificate

for the server. For this, you should have an iOS Developer Program Membership on iOS Dev Center

• Create .p12 file from the SSL certificate, which was downloaded from the iOS Dev Center

• You require a server!

Note: If you are new to Push Notifications for iOS or App42 , you can go through

our previous blog (Configure & Send Push Notification on iOS Device)

How the sample code implements the Push Notifications by examining the key code snippets?

• Open the downloaded folder, go to the assets folder and double click PushSample.unity file to

open the sample

• To implement ‘Push’, drag and drop our “App42PushHandlerInternal.h/.m” classes to

“Assets/Plugins/iOS” folder and “PushScript.cs” C# script to “Assets” folder.

• Assign PushScript.cs to a game object; in demo it was assigned to the main camera. So, let’s

browse through the PushScript.cs code.

• To receive push notifications, iOS needs to be notified that your App wants to receive push

notifications, and “App42PushHandlerInternal.m” class does it by default .

• In PushScript, all the required call backs are defined and to get the call backs, set a listener game

object as:


1 // Use this for initialization

2 void Start ()

3 {

4 setListenerGameObject(this.gameObject.name);

5 }

• As “App42PushHandlerInternal.m” sends a request to register this device for push

notification service; the device token is received from Apple Push Service on the

successful response.

• It is available via “onDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken” call back of



1 //Sent when the application successfully registered with Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).

2 void onDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken(string deviceToken)

3 {4 if (deviceToken != null &&deviceToken.Length!=0)5 {

6 registerDeviceTokenToApp42PushNotificationService(deviceToken,"User Name");

7 }8 }

• Register this device to App42 Push Notification Service to send/receive push


• To do this, just call “registerDeviceTokenToApp42PushNotificationService” method of

PushScript.cs from the above call back


1 //Registers a user with the given device token to APP42 push notification service

2 void registerDeviceTokenToApp42PushNotificationService(string devToken,string userName)

3 {

4 ServiceAPI serviceAPI = new ServiceAPI(api_key,secret_key);

5 PushNotificationService pushService = serviceAPI.BuildPushNotificationService();

6 pushService.StoreDeviceToken(userName,devToken,"iOS");

7 }

• The SendPushToUser method of this script can be written/called to send a request to

App42 server to send a Push Notification to a specific user


1 //Sends push to a given user

2 void SendPushToUser(string userName,string message)

3 {

4 ServiceAPI serviceAPI = new ServiceAPI(api_key,secret_key);

5 PushNotificationService pushService = serviceAPI.BuildPushNotificationService();

6 pushService.SendPushMessageToUser(userName,message);

7 }

• The “onPushNotificationsReceived” call back of the PushScript will be called when you

receive a push notification


1 //Sent when the application Receives a push notification

2 void onPushNotificationsReceived(string pushMessageString)

3 {

4 Console.WriteLine("onPushNotificationsReceived");

5 //dump you code here to handle the pushMessageString

6 Debug.Log(pushMessageString);

7 }


• Your App is successfully set up to receive/send push notifications through our App42

Server using App42 Push Notification Service

• If you have any questions or need further assistance to integrate Push Notification in

your App, do write back at support@shephertz.com


Sending a message

through AppHQ console


Some useful links

Getting Started:

Quick Start Guide

Sign-up for Free

Game Development Center


Backend as a Service

Massive Multiplayer Gaming Engine

App Analytics


App42 Cloud APIs - BaaS

AppWarp – Multiplayer Gaming Engine

AppHQ – Management Console


App42 Cloud SDKs

App 42 Modules


Why BaaS?

Push Notification for iOS

Push Notification for Android

Real-time Multiplayer Games using Unity3D

Integrating Facebook in your Android App

Making a Turn-based Game

Using Query Interface

When to use NoSQL?

Add ‘Social’ to your Game
