Psychology of sharing stephen croome



A Digital Marketing slideshow on how I can make you influence other people for me

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Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Marketing is now not about how I can influence you

Marketing is about how I can make you influence

other people for me

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Because I believe the future of digital marketing is going

to be dominated by stories, not ads

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

You can win if you talk to your Audience…

…about a Story they care about…

…inside a Distribution and Sharing Framework

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Thinking beyond the first click in Social Advertising

1:1 vs 1:many

Stephen Croome@firstconversion



Stephen Croome@firstconversion

How do I teach myself to understand what my customers like?

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Competent with the mechanics of getting ads running

The fake learning curve

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Competent with the mechanics of getting ads running

Implement method of testing messages to Facebook segments

The real learning curve

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

The difference between Google ads and Facebook ads

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

firstconversion.comGoogle visitors are in streams

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

firstconversion.comFacebook visitors are in ponds

You can compare Google adsover time

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

firstconversion.comCTR or Conv Rate or Shares

Because purchase intent stays the same over time, your variable is the ad which you can slowly improve over time

You cannot compare Facebook adsover time

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

firstconversion.comCTR or Conv Rate over Time or Shares

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

How to bait the first click

Stephen Croome@firstconversion


Multivariate analysis ofFacebook ads helps you learn what

people react to very quickly

Hands are losing


Addressing the issue works here for a title


Clear winner in body text


Learning Example Test 1

The bug CTRS were the best

Bug CPL also won

Text 1 had significantly better CPL


Titles were similar


Why the first click is a lie


Testing the winning bug against the more dramatically allergic man and a more ugly bug.Ugly bug attracts more clicks!

But the allergic guy converts better…

…which gives the allergic guy the best CPL so farThe best relevance match is having the biggest impact

What I learned

1. Easy to get clicks2. Measure what you care about3. A testing process will tell you what language

or USPs your customers react to

Stephen Croome@firstconversion


Stephen Croome@firstconversion

How to win the second click

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

How to work the second click• Audience• Story or content• Sharing and distribution framework

How to fail

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

No audience + no story + no reason to share

How to win some and lose some

Some audience + no story + no reason to share

Beer promo

Someone in marketing has a bright idea

Baileys promo

Customers are moaners

Customers are fighting

Its not my fault

Customers are greedy

Its not my fault

Customers are dishonest

Happy people

Happy people

Pissed off people

What is the solution?

1Stop treating Facebook like a billboard

2Realise that money is not your bottleneck, time is your bottleneck

Stop racing to the bottom with initiatives that don’t engender loyalty

3 If your promotion is not valid in Scotland, don’t show it in Scotland

Or create alternatives for Scotland

4Have people on Facebook during the promotion to monitor what is going on and reply to users

5Use Facebook dark posts to target people in very tight geographic locations

Each store should get its own advert so that you can control the story

6If a store runs out of goods, change the ad in the Dark Post that are seen by the people in the specific location or remove the ad altogether to stop people becoming angry at you for not delivering on your promise

You end up with

• better stock control• happier customers• a more effective Facebook campaign with

more shares and likes

How to win

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

audience + story + reason to share

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

It is no longer an advert

It is a personal recommendation shared amongst friends

How am I going to get my customers to share my marketing

with my future customers

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

Images• Sea turtle• brain

Stephen Croome@firstconversion

When we have winners, its best to create a new campaign with the winner and new tests, so that old data does not corrupt the new test data


Round 1

Round 2


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3
