Production schedule




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Production Schedule

Day/Time What to do? Achieved? Evaulation of production

1 12:55-14:20 Record sound and voices

Yes I am overall really happy I have this done

2 12:55-14:20 Import into cubase and edit the sound

Yes all done I had nothing left to do I should of looked into how long it would of taken me.

3 12:55-14:20 I need to piece together all of the soundtrack by the end of lesson

Yes this has been completed but not to happy with the way it has turned out.

4 12:55-14:20 I need to be able to use the mixer and change volume levels

Although I have changed what I need to I still don’t like the soundtrack overall

5 12:55-14:20 Exporting and final edit ready to export for next week.

This has been completed by Im still unhappy with it overall.

6 12:55-14:20 Finalising and Exporting my advert.

Yes, although was more time consuming then I thought.

I am not to pleased with my production.

Firstly I recorded my sound using a zoom H2

I then Imported my sound onto cubase

I then imported my files into Cubase: I found it difficult to find my tracks so then I had to rename them. Due to this it was time consuming and it would have been a lot better if I had renamed them before I exported the track.

I then mixed my tracks to make the voiceover sound a lot clearer as you can see in both pictures as shown

I then changed the volume of my clips

Finally I exported them.